There are a few common checkmates found in chess. Some of them are done earlier and others may not happend until the end of the game. However they may still be common. This first one is very good against new players who may not know about it or how to counter it. It is the four move checkmate. Both black and white can use this checkmate.
This next checkmate is the two-move checkmate. The two-move checkmate is much less common than the four move checkmate, but you don't want to be caught by it. It is incredibly situational so as long as you don't open yourself up to it you will be fine. This checkmate can only be done in two moves by black however white could do it in three.
Another common checkmate is the back-row mate. This is one that is more common among beginners however in a fast paced game can be seen as well since it usually requires slowing down for a move to stop it from happening. This is easily stopped however by moving a pawn so that the king can escape like the white player did.