Let's Meet the Team
George Van Dorpe
My name is George and i'm a 5th year Mechanical Engineering Technology student at Colorado Mesa University. Originally Born in Denver I came here to explore the state I was born in and hunt down new opertuniites. If you have any questions about our project, or any of the content on our site I would be happy to answer any questions. You can reach me on my office line (970)-123-4567 Ext. 003 or at my company email [email protected]. If I am unavailable during office hours feel free to reach out to me on my personal cell at (303)-710-4476 or my email [email protected].
I’m a senior at CMU majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I love learning about technology and excited to be working on this project for the experience it will provide towards future engineering designs. I can be reached on my office line at (970)-123-4567 Ext. 001 or on my company email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns regarding the project design. If it is outside company hours you can reach out to me on my personal email [email protected]