
By Sam Evans

 Hello and welcome to my version of the Berkshire Hathaway website. I would like for it to be known that I am not a part of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or in any way associated with the company. This website is the Final Project (Project Three) for my Website Design One class for the Spring 2023 semester. The purpose of this website, and the goal of my final project is to make changes to websites we think do not look good. I have read Berkshire Hathaway's official disclaimer and acknowledge that by makng this website and linking to the official website I am in violation of BH's official disclaimer.

If anyone from Berkshire Hathaway happpens to visit this page, please continue reading.

For being in violation of their disclaimer I would like to apologize as well as mention again that this is for a class project and is in no way for money/profit or recognition of any kind.

Reader, thank you for viewing my disclaimer, before you go I would encourage you to visit Berkshire's official disclaimer and their website as a whole. Though I don't find them to be elegant, they have good information within it that you could find interesting.

Thank you for visiting my website and have a good rest of your day.  :^)