How does marketingz.info get transferred to me?

Once you complete the payment for marketingz.info or any other domain, you will have access to our Domain Transfer Center where you can initiate the Domain Transfer. Our Domain Transfer Specialists will assist you with transferring the domain to the registrar of your choice. Typically most transfers are initiated within 24 hours of domain purchase.

Does marketingz.info come with Trademark or Business Registration?

marketingz.info and other names on Squadhelp Marketplace do not include Trademarks or business registration. This is because Trademarks are unique to the industry (class) as well as country of the business. Since marketingz.info can be purchased by anyone for any use, it would not be possible for us to file a Trademark in advance. We recommend that you do some research and/or seek legal advice to ensure that the name you are interested in does not have a direct Trademark conflict by a competitor in your industry and within your region. If there is no direct conflict, or the existing trademark is unrelated to how you plan to use it, then you have a good chance of being able to trademark the name yourself. If there is an existing trademark, keep in mind that, as long as your business is in a different industry, you may still be able to file a trademark for the name. We also offer a Trademark validation & Filing service which includes upfront Trademark validation and filing the Trademark application on your behalf by a licensed Trademark Attorney.

Are there any ongoing costs after I purchase the Domain?

In order to purchase the domain, you only pay a one-time cost. However, once the domain is transferred to you, you will need to renew it on a yearly basis with your Domain registrar. The yearly renewal fees are paid directly to the domain registrar and are typically about $10 USD per year for .com domains. The renewal fees may be different for other domain extensions such as .io, .xyz etc.