The GNU basic calculator (bc) is a free and open source command-line program that performs arbitrary-precision calculations using the full capabilities of any computer. This tool is more robust than most OS’s default calculator app, much faster than a TI calculator, and more convenient to use than the computational sledgehammers Mathematica and Jupyter/python. And it’s only “basic” by default; bc is a full programming language too, extendable with user-written functions.
Professionally speaking, bc is the most elegant tool for mathematicians to attain the feeling of power that comes with wielding a computer to do arbitrarily precise computations. Pedagogically speaking, bc provides many benefits: a means to subvert the pervasiveness of proprietary hardware and software in classrooms, an easy way to demonstrate the computational capabilities of a computer to students, and also an accessible avenue for students to operate a computer as a calculator for themselves.
Installing on Linux/macOS
On macOS and most Linux operating systems bc will already be installed.
If not, you can install it using your package manager.
For example on a Debian-based OS like Ubuntu
run sudo apt install bc
Similarly on macOS you can install bc via
the homebrew
with brew install bc
Running the command bc
in your terminal
will display bc’s copyright banner and start bc interactively.
You can suppress this banner with the -q
and load bc’s math library with the -l
It’s also helpful to keep a running collection
of functions you write in a file, say functions.bc,
which you load into bc on startup.
All of this can be done automatically when you start bc
by setting the environment variable BC_ENV_ARGS
by including this line in your shell’s (bash, zsh, …) configuration file:
export BC_ENV_ARGS="-lq /PATH/TO/functions.bc"
Installing on MS Windows
Although bc was originally written for unix-based operating systems, it’s been ported to windows via GnuWin. If you have administrative privileges on your Windows machine just download the Setup files to install bc. If not — like if you’re using a classroom computer locked down by your school’s IT department — you can “portably” install bc. Download the Binaries and the Dependencies zip archives from the GnuWin page. Extract those zip archives, and move the files somewhere convenient. Copy the file readline5.dll from the dependencies archive into the same directory as bc.exe. You’ll want to keep an auxiliary file of functions you write, functions.bc, in this same directory.

To suppress bc’s copyright banner,
and automatically load the math library
and your auxiliary functions when you start bc,
create a shortcut to bc.exe that includes the arguments
-lq functions.bc
to bc in the Target of the shortcut file.
You could name the shortcut file something like bcmath
and start it quickly by searching “bcmath” under the Windows Start menu.

Getting Started Using bc
The bc manual comprehensively describes its usage and features, so this quick-start guide will be a simple distillation of the key ideas and quirks of using bc, and a few miscellaneous tips.
Since bc is a command-line calculator,
no longer will you waste time commuting your hand between your mouse and keyboard.
Running bc, simply type in an expression, press Enter to evaluate it,
and the result will be printed on the next line.
To stop any currently running computation (because it’s taking longer than expected)
press Ctrl+C.
To quit and exit bc,
either type the command quit
or press Ctrl+D.
Input preceded by a #
character is ignored by bc,
which is intended to be used to leave comments in code.
# Adding Three and Four
3 + 4
Using Variables
You can assign values to variables using =
which is helpful for longer computations.
a = 13846000729558555774154292420
b = 63050430913919525940448
hypotenuse_squared = a^2 + b^2
Variables don’t have to be initialized like they do in most programming languages.
GNU bc will just infer the data type of your variable:
either a number or an array of numbers.
Variable names must start with a lowercase letter,
but otherwise can be any combination
of lowercase alphanumerical characters and underscores.
So using h2
instead of hypotenuse_squared
would’ve been just fine.
Caution: Capital letters are reserved
for expressing numbers in bases higher than ten.
The special variable last
contains the output of the previous command,
allowing you to quickly feed calculation results into new calculations.
Alternatively, a single period character .
is a shorthand
for last
a = 13846000729558555774154292420 b = 63050430913919525940448 a^2 + b^2
Controlling the Scale of bc’s Computations
The special variable scale
gives you control over the fractional precision of bc’s output,
setting the number of digits
to the right of the radix point
(decimal point in base ten)
that bc will store during computations.
This simple control over the precision of calculations
is the shining feature of bc.
Loading the math library
sets scale
to 20,
but you can manually change this to whatever suits your needs:
1.41421356237309504880scale = 42 sqrt(2)
Conversely, there is a function length()
that returns the number of an input’s significant digits,
and a function scale()
that returns the number of significant digits to the right of the radix point.
gelfond = 23.1406926 length(gelfond)
Caution: the value of scale
is not
the number of decimal places you may assume to be accurate.
Rounding error can accumulate:
For a stark example, see how bc could lead us astray from the fact that
\(\lim_{x \to 0} \frac{\ln(x+1)}{x} = 1\).
Setting scale=5
using l()
as the natural log function:
x=10^(-1); l(x+1)/x
.95310x=10^(-2); l(x+1)/x
.99500x=10^(-3); l(x+1)/x
.99000x=10^(-4); l(x+1)/x
.90000x=10^(-5); l(x+1)/x
All you can say is that the difference between your calculated value and the “true value” is less than \(10^{n-\text{scale}}\) for some \(n\), depending on the algorithmic complexity of your calculation and magnitude of your parameters. Discovering exactly what \(n\) must be in a given case requires one dive into the world of numerical analysis.
Handling Fractional Exponents
Simply doing arithmetic in bc, the first thing you’ll notice
is that bc can’t immediately handle non-whole numbers as exponents.
Trying to calculate \(2.71^{3.14}\) as a decimal number
with the command 2.71^3.14
will throw an error.
Instead you’ll need to use a custom function for this,
based on the functions e(x)
\( = \mathrm{e}^x\)
and l(x)
\( = \ln(x)\) from bc’s math library,
which do accept fractional parameters.
Here’s a pow
function that evaluates \(b^x\)
for an arbitrary base b
and exponent x
define pow (b,x) { return e(x*l(b)) }
Then you can compute \(2.71^{3.14}\) as pow(2.71, 3.14)
That’s a good function to keep in your auxiliary functions.bc file.
Details about the math library
and writing functions can be found later in this guide.
Getting the Integer Part of a Number
The modus operandi of bc is to work at some fixed scale, so it doesn’t store the integer part of a number for easy access. You can calculate the integer part of a number by temporarily changing the scale though.
define int(x) {
auto s;
return x;
This is also a helpful function to keep in your auxiliary functions file.
Extending bc with its Math Library
Besides support for basic arithmetic operations
like addition, multiplication, integer exponentiation, etc,
the only mathematical function built into bc is sqrt()
Loading bc’s math library with the -l
defines the following additional functions:
, the sine of \(x\), for \(x\) in radians.c(x)
, the cosine of \(x\), for \(x\) in radians.a(x)
, the arctangent of \(x\), arctangent returns radians.l(x)
, the natural logarithm of \(x\).e(x)
, the exponential function of raising \(\mathrm{e}\) to the value \(x\).j(n,x)
, the bessel function of integer order \(n\) of \(x\).
Only the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and arctangent are included for historical reasons, but really that’s all you need: all other trigonometric functions can be expressed in terms of these three. Doing this is left to the reader as an exercise, … or see my implementations at the end of this guide.
Since the trigonometric functions in this library
expect angles expressed in radian measure,
it is helpful to have \(\pi\) stored as a constant.
Define \(\pi\) as four times the arctangent of one,
pi = 4*a(1)
You could keep this line in your auxiliary functions.bc file,
along with these functions to convert between degree and radian measure:
define radtodeg (x) { return x*(45/a(1)) }
define degtorad (x) { return x*(a(1)/45) }
Computations in Different Bases
Another shining feature of GNU bc —
one most useful to programmers,
but would be remiss not to mention —
is its capability to do computations in
bases 2 through 36.
The twenty-six capital letters of the alphabet
are used to represent digits beyond 9 as input;
this is why it’s
forbidden to use capital characters in variable names.
By default, user input and displayed output
are supposed by bc to be in base-ten (decimal).
You can tell bc to display output in different base
by changing the variable obase
and you can tell bc to expect user input in a different base
by changing the variable ibase
For example:
obase = 17 8675309
06 01 14 13 06 05obase = 2 8675309
100001000101111111101101obase = 10 ibase = 17 61ED65
If you change the value of ibase
changing the value of obase
remember that the value you assign to obase
will be interpreted in the base
you assigned to ibase
Maybe just get in the habit of changing obase
Programming: Functions, Arrays, & Limitations
A quick note: this guide is specific to GNU bc — there are other implementations of bc with tighter standards and more/less features. But GNU bc is the version you’d most likely encounter in the wild.
The syntax of bc is similar to the syntax of the C programming language, but much looser. If you have no programming experience you should read the Statements section of the bc manual for a more thorough treatment. Otherwise if you have some experience programming in C or in any other modern language, this section will help you translate that experience over to bc.
Defining Functions
The syntax for declaring a function in bc is
define NAME ( PARAMETERS ) {
return OUTPUT
where NAME
is the name of your function,
is the list of inputs to your function,
is a list of local variables you define
only for use in this function,
is the value the function returns.
In the body of the function
the curly braces {}
multiple independent commands together, and either semicolons ;
or newlines (or both) separate those independent commands.
For example, here’s a function that returns the \(n\)th Fibonacci number
using the classic
recursive definition.
define fibonacci (n) {
auto i
if (n==1 || n==2) {
return 1
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
Printing Output & Reading Input
Within a function it may be helpful to
print text to the screen besides just the return value,
or to read user input while the function is running.
For these needs we have respectively the print
and read()
The print
command takes a comma-separated list of things
and prints them to the terminal,
while the command x = read()
will store
a number entered interactively by a user to the variable x
For example:
define fibonacci_ask () {
auto r
print "Which Fibonacci number would you like?\n"
r = read()
return fibonacci(r)
That \n
character prints a newline
to the terminal; otherwise bc would prompt
for input on that same line it printed the question.
Control-Flow Syntax & Arithmetic
All of the control-flow keywords
, else
, for
, while
, break
, and halt
are supported in GNU bc.
Instead of the keywords “true” and “false”
bc uses the numbers 1
and 0
To provide some illustrative examples of the use of these keywords:
suppose you need a quick test to tell if two integers
and b
such that \(2 \lt a \lt b \)
might be adjacent Fibonacci numbers:
if (int(10*(b/a)) == 16) {
print "a and b may be adjacent Fibonacci numbers\n"
} else {
print "a and b aren't adjacent Fibonacci numbers\n"
Or suppose you want to nicely display the first 42 Fibonacci numbers along with their index:
for (i=1; i<=42; ++i) {
print i, " | ", fibonacci(i), "\n"
Or suppose you want the smallest power of 2 that has a leading digit of 7:
x = 1
while(1) {
if (int(x/10^(length(x)-1)) == 7) {
print x
With the exception of C’s bitwise operations and two other special cases, bc shares all of C’s arithmetic, assignment, comparison, and logical operators. Those two special cases are these:
The caret
is an integer exponential operator, not a bitwise operator. The commanda ^= b
does the same thing asa = a^b
. -
The modulus operator
behaves the same in bc as in C only when scale is set to zero. Functionallya % b
regardless of the value ofscale
. In the language of the remainder theorem, you can think of this general modulus operator this way: for a fixed scale \(n\),a % b
returns the unique non-negative number \(r\) less than \(b\times 10^{-n}\) for which there exists a number \(q\) such that \(q \times 10^n\) is an integer and \(a = q \times b + r\,.\) For example,scale=3; 8%7
since \(8 = 1.142\times7 + 0.006\,.\)
Array Variables & Loops
In addition to simple variables, bc supports array variables,
iterable collection of variables indexed by non-negative integers
(indexing starts at zero).
The index of an array you’d like to access
is indicated by enclosing it in square brackets
after the array’s name.
That is, the variable \(a_i\) for some \(i\in \mathbf{Z}^+\) is denoted as
in bc.
a[1] = 13846000729558555774154292420
a[2] = 63050430913919525940448
h2 = a[1]^2 + a[2]^2
Simple variables and array variables of the same name
can co-exist with no conflict:
letting a = a[1]^2 + a[2]^2
in that last example
would have been just fine.
Like simple variables, arrays don’t have to be initialized,
and the size of an array never needs to be declared.
The maximum size of an array in bc is
set as BC_DIM_MAX
a value chosen at compile time.
In my current version of bc, this value is \(2^{24}\,.\)
Arrays are useful for looping over some enumeration of data.
For example, we can write a more efficient fibonacci()
by using a for-loop and storing previously computed Fibonacci numbers
in an array fib
define fibonacci (n) {
auto i, fib
fib[1] = fib[2] = 1
for (i=2; i<=n; ++i) {
fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2]
return fib[n]
Limitation of bc
There are a couple limitations of bc you should keep in mind when considering if you’d like to use a more robust programming language.
In bc you cannot pass functions as parameters to other functions.
The only variable types —
and so the only entities that may be a function’s parameters —
are simple variables and arrays.
This limitation makes for messy code,
where any function that morally should have a function
as a parameter instead has to assume a globally-defined function
of a fixed name already exists.
I’ve been using the convention that such a function must be
globally defined and named f
and its derivative named ff
You cannot explicitly define the contents of an entire array at once.
I.e. the syntax array = {8, 6, 7}
is not accepted,
and instead you’d have to use:
array[0] = 8; array[1] = 6; array[2] = 7;
Similarly, since bc doesn’t keep track of the size of an array, there is no command to print the entire contents of an array. Instead you must keep track of the size of an array yourself and loop over the indices to individually print the entries. This makes working with data in bc cumbersome, and doing any sort of statistics impossible.
On a related note, you can’t return an array from a function. Instead you have to pass your array by reference as a parameter, a feature of GNU bc not documented in the manual. The syntax is demonstrated in this example:
define fibonacci_next (*array[], n) {
array[n] = array[n-1] + array[n-2]
return array[n]
fib[42] = 267914296 fib[43] = 433494437 fibonacci_next(fib[], 44)
701408733fib[42] = 267914296 fib[44]
Additionally there is no built-in support for matrices (arrays-of-arrays).
Exercises & Challenges
The best way to learn a new tool is on the job; start using bc instead of whatever basic calculator you’ve been using, and if you teach be sure to install it on your classroom computer to have at hand during a lesson. In case you need some initial inspiration to dive into bc, here are some tasks you can complete as practice.
I’ve written functions to complete some of these tasks in my own functions.bc file, which you can find on GitHub, in case you’d like to compare solutions.
The Quadratic Formula
Write a function that takes the coefficients of a quadratic polynomial \(ax^2 + bx + c\) as input and prints the roots of that polynomial. Since there are two “outputs” of this function you’ll likely want to
one of the roots and return the other.Alternatively, using bc version ≥1.07.1 you could print both roots and have your function return nothing using the
keyword:define void f (a,b,c) { ... }
For more of a challenge, try to (efficiently) write the function to compute the roots of a cubic or a quartic polynomial.
Decimal Digit as an Array
Given a decimal number \(x\) create an array and write a loop that will store the first \(n\) digits to the right of the decimal point in \(x\) in the indices in the array.
More generally, write a function that takes a decimal number \(x\) as input and for some \(n \lt \)
returns the \(n\)th digit to the right of the decimal place in \(x\,.\) -
Prime Factorization
Write a function that prints the prime factorization of its input. -
Newton’s Method
For a differentiable function
=\(f\) and its derivativeff
=\(f'\) implement Newton’s method of approximating a root of \(f\).Then use this function to compute the Dottie number, the constant defined to be the single real solution to the equation \(\cos(x) = x\,,\) accurate to 42 decimal places.
Numerical Integration
Write a function that, given a globally defined function
, approximates the value of the definite integral \[ \int\limits_a^b f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x\,. \] Can you write this function to accurately compute the value of the integral up toscale
Links & References
See the GNU bc manual to learn all of bc’s functionality. If you have a question and you can’t find the answer in the manual, you can ask general questions about bc on the Unix & Linux Stack Exchange, or programming-related questions about bc on Stack Overflow.
The maintainer of
has authored a huge library of bc functions
and written a helpful bc FAQ page.
Additionally, Keith Matthews has
written some number theory programs for bc.
So if you need a specific algorithm you don’t want to implement yourself,
these are the first places you should check.
And if you’re ever on Twitter having an argument that could be settled with a computation, there is a Twitter bot @bc_l that will execute bc code.
My File of Auxiliary Functions
In case you’re not excited by the romantic notion of implementing mathematical functions yourself as you need them, here are two options: copy any of the “basic” functions below into your own functions.bc auxiliary file to give you a more usable base to start using bc from, or feel free to fork/clone my personal working collection of bc functions from GitHub:
Helpful Constants & Functions
define abs(x) { if (x>0) return x; return -x }
define sgn(x) { if (x>0) return 1; return -1 }
# Return the integer-part of a number (not the floor)
define int(x) {
auto s; s=scale; scale=0; x/=1; scale=s; return x;
Logarithms & Exponentials
define log(x) { return l(x) }
define exp(x) { return e(x) }
define logb(x,b) { return l(x)/l(b) }
define pow(x,n) { return e(n*l(x)) }
define radtodeg(x) { return x*(45/a(1)) }
define degtorad(x) { return x*(a(1)/45) }
define cos(x) { return c(x) }
define sin(x) { return s(x) }
define tan(x) { return s(x)/c(x) }
define sec(x) { return 1/c(x) }
define csc(x) { return 1/s(x) }
define cot(x) { return c(x)/s(x) }
define arccos(x) {
if(x == 1) return 0
if(x == -1) return pi
return pi/2-a(x/sqrt(1-(x^2)))
define arcsin(x) {
if(x == 1) return pi/2
if(x == -1) return -pi/2
return sgn(x)*a(sqrt((1/(1-(x^2)))-1))
define arctan(x) { return a(x) }
define arcsec(x) { return arccos(1/x) }
define arccsc(x) { return arcsin(1/x) }
define arccot(x) { return pi/2-a(x) }
Note these functions don’t bother to check that their parameters are integers.
define factorial(n) {
if (n<1)
return 1
return n*factorial(n-1)
# nCk, the number of ways to choose k of n objects
define choose(n,k) {
auto c
c = factorial(n)/(factorial(n-k)*factorial(k))
return int(c)
# nPk, the number of ways to permute k of n objects
define pick(n,k) {
auto i, r
r = n-k
for (i=1; n > r; --n)
return i
Fork this Guide on GitHub
In keeping with the ethos of digital gardening, and of the internet being a living, community-tended library of humanity’s collective knowledge, I don’t want this page to become a corpse of my sole authorship cluttering the stacks of our library. What a tragic misuse of the internet that would be. No, I’d rather simply be the … maintainer? custodian? groundskeeper? … of this living guide. Please feel free to become a co-author and tend to this page with me.
The semantic HTML for this page is hosted on GitHub, licensed as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you’d like to suggest an edit or addition to my instance of this guide, create an issue on GitHub, fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. My only requirement of co-authors of this instance is that you keep with the spirit of the page as a quick-start guide written with an audience of mathematicians, instructors, and students in mind — professional programmers and Unix administrators are already well-served by the GNU bc manual itself.