Math Investigations Workflow

There are quite a few types of assignments to keep track of in this class. This is the instructor’s suggested workflow for a weekly routine to stay on top of it all.

Each Thursday …

Pick up a new Content Check sheet in class. On the Thursdays when we conclude a chapter, there will also be a Chapter Assessment to pick up.

Before the Weekend …

Get started on any assigned Chapter Assessment or Project. Start early to give yourself time to take breaks; afford yourself multiple sessions to work fresh on these assignments.

Finish the Online Homework from this last week. If any homework questions have you stumped, discuss it with your peer group from the class, or visit the campus Tutorial Learning Center (TLC), or visit the instructor’s office hours.

Before Tuesday’s Class …

Look over the Content Check prompts, and keep them in mind while you read over the assigned chapter(s) for this coming week. Then respond to those prompts. If you have any questions about the reading or Content Check visit the instructor’s office hours.

Start the Online Homework for the coming week as indicated in the reading. Maybe you can already do some of the homework. Work on it until you get stuck; this will prime your mind to be more receptive to learning in Tuesday’s class.

Finish any Chapter Assessment or any Project that’s due.

Before Thursday’s Class …

Continue working on any assigned Project and on the Online Homework for this week. Again, work on it until you get stuck, to prime your mind for Thursday’s class.