Course Description

Does Earth move? Does the Moon move? If so, how and are there causes or reasons for this motion? Are the basic rules that govern this motion the same as those for other objects such as a flying baseball, or water flowing through a pipe? What keeps an aircraft aloft? Are there limits to the efficiency of its engines? What is the nature of light? Why do some elements but not others conduct electric currents well? What is the mechanism by which ultraviolet light causes damage to skin cells? Why are we convinced that atoms exist and from what are they built? Why do the natural elements of the universe have chemical properties as suggested by the periodic table of elements? What are the fundamental particles from which all matter is built? How is time related to space? Are there limits to our universe and could we learn them?

Physics addresses questions like these by combining observations, results of experiments, and conceptual and mathematical notions into coherent theoretical schemes. The conceptual underpinnings of the physics we use today have their origins in the 17th century, when Newton and others produced a substantial framework for understanding much of the physical world. The resulting Newtonian mechanics has successfully explained a great diversity of physical phenomena and enabled the development of much of the technology used today. It remains a cornerstone for understanding much of physics.

Phys 131 is an introduction to Newtonian mechanics, which describes the physics, at the most basic level, behind the motion of objects. In this course, you will discover the meaning and uses of notions such as acceleration, force, momentum, and energy. You will learn how to use them to assess physical situations and describe observable physical phenomena. You will see that they provide a simple and elegant framework for understanding many of the workings of the physical universe.

Course Number: PHYS 131

Instructor: Prof. David Collins, Physics

Contact Information:

Class Times: MTWF 9:00 - 9:50am (Section 001), MTWF 10:00 - 10:50am (Section 002)

Classroom: H 107 (section 001), WS 160/161 (section 002)

First Class Meeting: Wednesday 20 August 2012

Prerequisites: Math 151.

Text: Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3ed, Volume 1, Pearson (2013).

Syllabus: Pdf Format


The following is subject to change.

  1. Kinematics: the description of motion.
  2. Newton's system of mechanics.
  3. Conservation of momentum.
  4. Work and energy in physics.
  5. Rotational motion.
  6. Newtonian gravitation.

Course Structure

Phys 131 meets four times per week. The Monday, Wednesday and Friday meetings will be in lecture format. You will be expected to read the relevant sections of the text beforehand and attempt designated exercises in the text.

The Tuesday meeting will consist of a discussion session during which you will work in small groups (with the instructor's help) on assigned problems. You will be expected to attempt the assigned problems before the Tuesday class meeting. There will be a 10 minute quiz covering the material at the end of the discussion session.

Homework Assignments

Complete homework assignments are below.

Homework Due date Problems (Numbers refer to Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers)
Homework 1 27 August 2012 Ch. 1 Conc Q: 6, Ch. 1 Prob: 55, 56, Ch. 2 Conc Q: 4, 6, Ch. 2 Prob: 1, 2, 4
Homework 2 31 August 2012 Ch. 2 Conc Q: 10, 12, 14, Ch. 2 Prob: 10, 12, 18, 43, 53
Homework 3 7 September 2012 Ch. 2 Prob: 40, 50, Ch. 3 Conc Q: 7, 8, Ch 3 Prob: 3, 15, 25, 40
Homework 4 14 September 2012 Ch 4 Conc Q: 9, 13, 15, Ch 4 Prob: 24, 27, 45, 49, 57
Homework 5 28 September 2012 Ch 6 Conc Q: 10, 13, 14 Ch 6 Prob: 21, 22, 35, 37, 48a)
Homework 6 5 October 2012 Ch 7 Conc Q: 15 Ch 7 Prob: 13, 23, 34, Ch 8 Conc Q: 3, 7, Ch 8 Prob: 5, 10
Homework 7 12 October 2012 Ch 8 Prob: 34, 43, Ch 9 Conc Q: 12, 13, 14 Ch 9 Prob: 15, 43, 59
Homework 8 26 October 2012 Ch 10 Conc. Q: 5, 10, 12, Ch 10 Prob: 11, 12, 20, 47, 53
Homework 9 2 November 2012 Ch 10 Prob: 43, Ch 11 Conc. Q: 4, 7, Ch 11 Prob: 1, 3, 44, 46
Homework 10 9 November 2012 Ch 11 Conc. Q: 5, 8, 12, Ch 11 Prob: 21, 29, 31, 49, 57
Homework 11 30 November 2012 Ch 12 Conc. Q: 6, 11, 13, Ch 12 Prob: 35, 42, 48, 70, 75

Homework Solutions

Homework solutions are posted on my shared H drive. You can access these from any computer connected to the CMU network. The directory is H:\DOWNLOAD\dacollin\2012Fall\Phys131\homework.


There will be a short quiz at the end of each of each Thursday discussion session. Quiz solutions are posted on my shared H drive. You can access these from any computer connected to the CMU network. The directory is H:\DOWNLOAD\dacollin\2012Fall\Phys131\quizzes.

Warm Up Exercises

There will be warm up exercise, approximately once per week, due by 8:30am . Exact dates will be announced by the instructor closer to the time. Warm up exercises are hosted on Desire 2 Learn (D2L).


There will be three 50 minute exams during class on the following dates: 19 September 2012, 19 October 2012 and 14 November 2012. There will be a comprehensive final exam on 12 December 2012 (section 001) or 10 December 2012 (section 002). Solutions to the exams for this semester will be posted below after the exams have been graded.

Exams and solutions from the current semester.

Semester Exam
Fall 2012 Class exam 1 Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 1: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 2 Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 2: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 3 Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 3: Solutions Pdf

Links and Animations

  1. References
    1. Physlink Reference information and data, including decimal system notation, physical constants, math constants, astro-physical constants, etc,....
    2. Eric Weinstein's World of Physics Encyclopedia of Physics maintained by Wolfram Research. Entries at a variety of technical levels.
    3. Science and Engineering Encyclopedia: Physics Encyclopedia of Physics with a somewhat cumbersome interface. Includes conversion calculators.
    4. Periodic Table of Elements WebElements site.
    5. NIST Databases Administered by the National Institute for Standards and Technology. The final word in physical data. Intended for professionals.
  2. Animations
    1. PhET, From the University of Colorado.
    2. Activ Physics, Large collection provided by Addisson Wesley.
    3. LTU Applets, Collection of simulations provided by Scott Schneider, Lawrence Technological University.
    4. Animations for Physics and Astronomy, Collection of simulations from the Penn State University, Schuylkill.
    5. Physclips, Collection of simulations from the University of New South Wales, Australia.
  3. Demonstrations
    1. MIT TechTV Videos of demonstrations provided by MIT.
    2. University of Maryland Demos Lecture demonstrations provided by the University of Maryland.
    3. Wake Forest University Demos Main website for demonstrations provided by Wake Forest University, North Carolina.
    4. Wake Forest University Demos Videos of demonstrations provided by Wake Forest University, North Carolina.
    5. University of Iowa Demos Demonstrations provided by University of Iowa.
  4. Units and Measurement Scales
    1. Mars Climate Orbiter The greatest unit conversion fiasco ever?
    2. Secret Worlds: The Universe Within An updated "Powers of Ten" animation from Florida State University.
    3. Powers of Ten Offical site of Charles and Ray Eames.
  5. Atoms and Brownian Motion
    1. Brownian motion applet From University of Virginia.
    2. Brownian motion Video of smoke particles undergoing Brownian motion. From University of Maryland.
    3. Brownian motion Video of smoke particles undergoing Brownian motion. From University of Virginia.
    4. Brownian motion Essay on Einstein's description of Brownian motion.
    5. Images of atoms Images taken using a scanning tunneling microscope at IBM's Almaden lab.
    6. Images of atoms Images taken at various institutions. Hosted by Purdue University.
    7. Chemical elements Wikipedia list of elements.
    8. Periodic table A wooden periodic table from Theodore Gray.
  6. Motion in One Dimension
    1. One dimensional kinematics Davidson College's large collection.
    2. The moving man From PhET.
    3. Car in one dimension From Univ of Toronto.
    4. Rollerskating cow From University of Oregon.
  7. Freely falling objects
    1. Hammer and feather. Demonstration by Apollo 15 commander David Scott. Provided by NASA.
    2. Guinea and feather. Description of equipment construction and a video. From the University of Washington.
    3. Ball bearing and feather. From the Teralab.
    4. Free fall applet. From Davidson College.
  8. Vectors
    1. Vector addition From PhET, University of Colorado.
  9. Motion in Two Dimensions
    1. Balls dropped and shot From University of Maryland.
    2. Projectile motion From PhET, University of Colorado.
    3. Ladybug motion in two dimensions From PhET, University of Colorado.
    4. Projectile motion From University of Toronto.
    5. Monkey and hunter From University of Toronto.
    6. Funnel cart From University of Maryland.
    7. Pulled funnel cart From University of Maryland.
    8. Balls dropped and shot From University of Maryland.
    9. Gravity and orbits From PhET, University of Colorado.
    10. Solar system From PhET, University of Colorado.
  10. Newton's Laws
    1. Voyager: NASA page. Voyager I is the man made object most distant from the sun and now approximately free from interactions with the sun and solar system.
    2. Pioneer: NASA page. Pioneer 10, launched in 1972, was the first man-made object to leave the solar system. The last signal received from this probe reached the earth in 2003.
    3. Isaac Newton British one pound banknote. From Jacob Bourjaily's website: Physicists on Money.
    4. Forces in one dimension From PhET, University of Colorado.
    5. Forces and motion From PhET, University of Colorado.
    6. Forces and motion on a ramp From PhET, University of Colorado.
    7. Fan cart with sail From University of Maryland
    8. Dropped slinky From University of Maryland.
  11. Circular Motion
    1. Ladybug Revolution From PhET, University of Colorado.
    2. Angular Velocity and Acceleration Activ Physics 7.7.
    3. Whirlgig From University of Iowa.
    4. Centrifugal Flattening From University of Iowa.
  12. Momentum
    1. Collision Lab From PhET, University of Colorado.
    2. Impulse pendulum From North Carolina State University.
    3. Impulse pendulum From University of Iowa.
    4. Impulse pendulum Activ Physics 6.2.
    5. Goddard vs NY Times Editorial critique from the NY Times of Robert Goddard's rocketry proposals.
  13. Gravity
    1. Newton's Cannon From the University of Virginia.
    2. Neptune From NASA.
    3. Neptune From Wikipedia.
    4. Neptune From by Bill Arnett.
    5. Solar System From PhET, University of Colorado.
    6. Cavendish Experiment Schematic. From San Diego State University.
    7. Cavendish Experiment Animation. From
    8. Cavendish's Experiment. From Science and Society Picture Library
    9. Stars and Black Hole. Youtube video of unknown origen.
  14. Energy
    1. Energy Skate Park (Basics) From PhET, University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    2. Energy Skate Park From PhET, University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    3. The Ramp From PhET, University of Colorado.
    4. Springs and Masses From PhET, University of Colorado.
    5. Loop the loop From the University of Iowa.
    6. Stopped pendulum From North Carolina State University.
    7. Stopped pendulum From University of Iowa.
    8. Large pendulum From University of Iowa.
    9. Racing skiers From University of Toronto.
    10. Molecular Vibrations From UCLA.
    11. Ice Vibrations From Visionlearning.
    12. Internal Combustion Engine From How Stuff Works.
    13. Internal Combustion Engine animation From ForgeFx.
    14. Energy Flow in Automobiles From Art Hobson, University of Arkansas.
    15. Energy in the earth's atmosphere Diagram.
    16. Earth's Energy Budget From NASA.
    17. Global energy balance Animated diagrams from Earthguide at UCSD.
  15. Rotational Motion
    1. Ladybug Revolution From PhET, University of Colorado.
    2. Center of Mass Motion From Davidson .
    3. Rotational Inertia Activ Physics 7.6.
    4. Hoops and Disks From University of Iowa.
    5. Rolling vs. Sliding From University of Maryland.
    6. "Falling Chimney" From University of Iowa.
    7. Conservation of Angular Momentum From University of Iowa.
    8. Angular Momentum - Train From University of Iowa. Another link here.
    9. Angular Momentum - iPod YouTube video of unknown origin.
  16. Simple Harmonic Motion
    1. Masses and Springs From PhET, the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    2. Spring and mass From Walter Fendt.
    3. Spring and Mass From Michigan State University. Clear and simple to use.
    4. Resonance From PhET, the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    5. Simple Harmonic Motion and Circular Motion Davidson College and North Carolina A and T University.
    6. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse From