August 2012

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

20 August -- -- -- -- Quiz   Lecture 1
21 August Ch 1.1 - 1.4, 1.6 Stop to Think 1.2, Examples 1.1, 1.7 Moved to Wednesday 22 August -- Quiz   Lecture 2
22 August -- -- Ch. 1 Conc Q: 3, 7, 8 Ch. 1 Prob: 18, 20, 44 -- --
24 August Ch 1.6, 2.1 - 2.2 Warm Up 1 (D2L) -- Moved to Monday 27 August Quiz   Lecture 3
27 August Ch 2.2 - 2.3 Warm Up 2 (D2L) -- Ch. 1 Conc Q: 6, Ch. 1 Prob: 55, 56, Ch. 2 Conc Q: 4, 6, Ch. 2 Prob: 1, 2, 4 Quiz   Lecture 4
28 August -- -- Ch. 2 Conc Q: 5, 7, Ch. 2 Prob: 5, 6, 8, 56 -- --
29 August Ch 2.4 - 2.5 TBA -- -- Quiz   Lecture 5
31 August Ch 2.2 (calculus portion), 2.5, 2.7 TBA -- Ch. 2 Conc Q: 10, 12, 14, Ch. 2 Prob: 10, 12, 18, 43, 53 Quiz   Lecture 6

September 2012

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

3 September Ch 3.1 - 3.3 Warm Up 3 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 7
4 September -- -- Ch. 2 Prob: 19, 27, 31, Ch. 3 Conc Q: 3, 6, Ch 3 Prob: 7, 28 -- --
5 September Ch 3.3 - 3.4 Example 3.5, Example 3.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 8
7 September Ch 4.1 - 4.3 Stop to Think 4.1, Example 4.3 -- Ch. 2 Prob: 40, 50, Ch. 3 Conc Q: 7, 8, Ch 3 Prob: 3, 15, 25, 40 Quiz   Lecture 9
10 September Ch 4.3, 4.5 Warm Up 4 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 10
11 September -- -- Ch 4 Conc Q: 1, 4, 7, Ch 4 Prob: 4, 12, 20, 40 -- --
12 September Ch 4.5 - 4.7 Example 4.12, Stop to Think 4.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 11
14 September Ch 5.1 - 5.4 Stop to Think 5.1, Example 5.2 -- Ch 4 Conc Q: 9, 13, 15, Ch 4 Prob: 24, 27, 45, 49, 57 Quiz   Lecture 12
17 September Ch 5.4 - 5.7 Warm Up 5 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 13
18 September Exam Review I -- -- -- Quiz   Review I
19 September Class Exam I -- -- -- --
21 September Ch 5.7, 6.1 - 6.2 Example 6.2, Stop to Think 6.1 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 14
24 September Ch 6.3 - 6.4 Warm Up 6 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 15
25 September -- -- Ch 5 Prob: 27, 41, 47 Ch 6 Conc Q: 5, 9 Ch 6 Prob: 10, 17, 28 -- --
26 September Ch 6.6 Example 6.8 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 16
28 September Ch 7.1 - 7.3 Stop to Think 7.2, Example 7.3 -- Ch 6 Conc Q: 10, 13, 14 Ch 6 Prob: 21, 22, 35, 37, 48a) Quiz   Lecture 17

October 2012

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

1 October Ch 7.4 - 7.5 Warm Up 7 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 18
2 October -- -- Ch 7 Conc Q: 4, 5, 6, 11, Ch 7 Prob: 9, 41, 46 --
3 October Ch 8.1 - 8.2 Stop to Think 8.2, Example 8.3 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 19
5 October Ch 8.3 - 8.5 Stop to Think 8.4, Example 8.7 -- Ch 7 Conc Q: 15 Ch 7 Prob: 13, 23, 34, Ch 8 Conc Q: 3, 7, Ch 8 Prob: 5, 10 Quiz   Lecture 20
8 October Ch 9.1 - 9.2 Warm Up 8 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 21
9 October -- -- Ch 8 Conc Q: 9 Ch 8 Prob: 12, 32, 36, 48 Ch 9 Conc Q: 4, 5 -- --
10 October Ch 9.3 - 9.4 Example 9.4, Stop to Think 9.4 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 22
12 October Ch 9.5 - 9.6 Example 9.8, Example 9.9 -- Ch 8 Prob: 34, 43, Ch 9 Conc Q: 12, 13, 14 Ch 9 Prob: 15, 43, 59 Quiz   Lecture 23
15 October Fall Break -- -- -- --
16 October Fall Break -- -- -- --
17 October Exam Review II -- -- -- Quiz   Review II
19 October Class Exam II -- -- -- --
22 October Ch 10.1 - 10.2 Warm Up 9 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 24
23 October -- -- Ch 10 Conc. Q: 3, 4, 6, Ch 10 Prob: 3, 5, 33 -- --
24 October Ch 10.3 - 10.5 Stop to Think 10.2, Example 10.3 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 25
26 October Ch 10.6 - 10.7 Example 10.9 -- Ch 10 Conc. Q: 5, 10, 12, Ch 10 Prob: 11, 12, 20, 47, 53 Quiz   Lecture 26
29 October Ch 11.1 - 11.3 Warm Up 10 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 27
30 October -- -- Ch 10 Conc. Q: 13, Ch 10 Prob: 50, 59, Ch 11 Conc. Q: 6, Ch 11 Prob: 11, 42 -- --
31 October Ch 11.3 Stop to Think 11.4, Example 11.5 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 28

November 2012

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

2 November Ch 11.4 - 11.5 Example 11.7, Example 11.8 -- Ch 10 Prob: 43, Ch 11 Conc. Q: 4, 7, Ch 11 Prob: 1, 3, 44, 46 Quiz   Lecture 29
5 November Ch 11.6 - 11.8 Warm Up 11 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 30
6 November -- -- Ch 11 Prob: 15, 28, 37, 39, 50 -- --
7 November Ch 11.7 - 11.9 Example 11.9, Stop to Think 11.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 31
9 November Ch 12.1 - 12.2 Example 12.1, 12.2 -- Ch 11 Conc. Q: 5, 8, 12, Ch 11 Prob: 21, 29, 31, 49, 57 Quiz   Lecture 32
12 November Ch 12.3 - 12.4 Warm Up 12 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 33
13 November Exam Review III -- -- -- Quiz   Review III
14 November Class Exam III -- -- --
16 November Ch 12.4 - 12.5 TBA -- -- Quiz   Lecture 34
19 November -- -- Ch 12 Conc. Q: 3, 5, 8 Ch 12 Prob: 4, 16, 20, 21, 55 -- --
20 November Ch 12.5 - 12.6, 12.8 Warm Up 13 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 35
21 November Thanksgiving Break -- -- -- --
23 November Thanksgiving Break -- -- -- --
26 November Ch 12.7, 12.9 Warm Up 14 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 36
27 November -- -- Ch 12 Conc. Q: 9, 10, Ch 12 Prob: 26, 29, 32, 65, 77 -- --
28 November Ch 12.10- 12.11 Example 12.18, Stop to Think 12.5 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 37
30 November Ch 13.1 - 13.4 Stop to Think 13.2, Stop to Think 13.3 -- Ch 12 Conc. Q: 6, 11, 13, Ch 12 Prob: 35, 42, 48, 70, 75 Quiz   Lecture 38

December 2012

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

3 December Ch 13.5 - 13.6 Warm Up 15 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 39
4 December -- -- Ch 13 Conc. Q: 6, 8, 9, Ch 13 Prob: 24, 27, 36a) -- --
5 December Ch 14.1 Stop to Think 14.1, Example 14.2 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 40
7 December Final Exam Review -- -- -- Quiz   Final Review