Why I love Macro Photography

I always loved photo's online that were super zoomed in on it's subjects. Always wondering how people managed to take these photos and how I wished I could someday take photo's like that. Macro photography is a photo that is extremly zoomed in. These photo's have you notice details that you may never see in normal photo's.

Below are examples of Macro Photograpy that I have taken.

These first photos are what I took with one of my first camera's. These were taken when I was back in high school, and I was learning what macro photography was. The camera quality was not the best at the time, but for low quality camera's I was proud of how these came out.

Once out of high school I was able to purchase my current camera which I can change out the lenses to any that fit whatever my subject is. Once I got a lense to help with my photography, and with practice I started to gain more skill with my pictures. With more time I hope to improve on my skills and be able to post even better photo's later on. Below are some of my favorite photo's I've taken in the past couple years.