Certification Form - 2004 Rocky Mountain Region ACM

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Team Member Name First Semester in College
optional alternate    
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By my signature above, I certify that I have read the eligibility requirements at http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/regionals/About.htm. In particular, each team member named above meets the requirements below.

A student who has competed in two World Finals is no longer eligible to compete. A student may compete in at most four of five consecutive regional contests beginning with the first regional contest held after beginning post-secondary studies at an institution of higher education.

A coach may request an extension of eligibility for a student whose full-time studies have been interrupted or extended provided that the coach can demonstrate that such an extension would not provide an unfair advantage to the team. To make such a request, the coach must petition the ICPC Eligibility Committee through the ICPC Registration System at least three weeks prior to the regional contest. The ICPC Eligibility Committee will render a decision within five business days.

A petition will be approved routinely if the student has not completed the equivalent of eight semesters of full-time study prior to the regional contest date. This covers interruptions caused by military or civilian service, illness, work/studies, or personal reasons.

Thank you for participating in the Rocky Mountian Regional ACM Programming Contest! See http://www.mesastate.edu/acm/rmrc for more information.