Be a match maker.
The dating service has a list of men and a list of women. The number of men is equal to the number of women. In addition to their names, keeps track of two attributes about each of their clients: the person's IQ (intelligence quotient) and the person's height. wishes to match each man with a woman in an optimal way, so that the deviations of the two attributes in the resulting man / woman pairs are minimized.
The input file will consist of one or more data sets of the form
Here is an example of an input file:
column 11111111112 12345678901234567890 line 1:7[EOL] 2:mindy 70 145[EOL] 3:jennifer 80 155[EOL] 4:kathy 90 165[EOL] 5:allison 100 175[EOL] 6:alice 105 156[EOL] 7:jenna 110 158[EOL] 8:mary 115 160[EOL] 9:john 110 175[EOL] 10:jack 85 170[EOL] 11:steve 115 170[EOL] 12:bill 105 149[EOL] 13:bob 80 155[EOL] 14:thomas 75 179[EOL] 15:mike 120 168[EOL] 16:3[EOL] 17:mindy 100 180[EOL] 18:jenny 120 155[EOL] 19:kathy 105 168[EOL] 20:jack 104 169[EOL] 21:bob 119 156[EOL] 22:bill 99 179[EOL] :[EOF]
For each N man-woman pairs in the input data set, there will be N+2 lines of output in the format:
The TOTAL_DEVIATION is the sum of the PAIR_DEVIATION. The crucial constraint on the output is that the pairing should minimize the TOTAL_DEVIATION compared to all possible man-woman pairings. Note that there may be more than one such minimal configuration.
One of several possible correct outputs corresponding to the example input would be:
column 111111111122222222223 123456789012345678901234567890 line 1:Program 3 by team 0[EOL] 2:7[EOL] 3:mindy thomas 39[EOL] 4:jenna mike 20[EOL] 5:allison john 10[EOL] 6:kathy jack 10[EOL] 7:mary steve 10[EOL] 8:alice bill 7[EOL] 9:jennifer bob 0[EOL] 10:96[EOL] 11:3[EOL] 12:jenny bob 2[EOL] 13:kathy jack 2[EOL] 14:mindy bill 2[EOL] 15:6[EOL] 16:End of program 3 by team 0[EOL] :[EOF]