OS Assignments

HW 1: Due Thursday, Jan 24

    Find the operating system of some device (not a PC).  Find out the name, and something about the origin of the operating system (what standards is complies to or otherwise where it came from).  Also find out what language (or languages) you use to write applications for that operating system.

HW 2: Due Tuesday, Jan 29

    Do homework (all) at the end of chapter 1

HW 3: The first application is due Thursday, Feb 8

Write two applications in windows that copy a file from one location to another. The command will take two arguments: first the location of the source and then the location where it should be placed. You must write this using at least two of the following API's: Win32, POSIX, .NET, or Java. It must report a proper error if the source file does not exists or is a directory without crashing. Edited 6 Feb 2007

HW 4: Due Tuesday, Feb 12 (Lincoln's Birthday)
    Do homework (all) at the end of chapter 2

Test on CH 2: Due Thursday, Feb 14

Program due: Thursday March 20th: IPC using one mechanism (any API).
Test on CH 4 & 5: Tudesday March 25th.
Program due: Thursday March 27th: IPC using one (other) mechanism (any API).
Program due: Thursday April 3rd: Appliction using multiple threads (any API).