Order & Extremal Elements

If a collection of things can be ordered, consider ordering it. If that ordered collection has a minimum or maximum member, it may be a good idea to examine that member.
  1. Stephen New

    An odd number of people are standing in a room, each one of them wielding a pie, and each one looking towards their nearest neighbor. All at once, each person tosses their pie into the face of their nearest neighbour. Prove that somebody ends up without pie on their face.
  2. Stephen New

    For some positive integer \(n\), there are \(2n\) distinct points in the plane, no three collinear. Half of them are colored blue and the other half are colored orange. Show that it is possible to pair each blue dot with an orange dot in such a way that no two of the \(n\) line segments connecting those pairs intersect.
  3. Putnam and Beyond

    Prove that for any polygon in the plane, there exists a vertex of that polygon and an edge of that polygon not containing that vertex, such that the projection of the vertex onto the line containing (extending) that edge lies on the edge itself.
  4. Putnam and Beyond

    The system of roadways in the country of Talpapiopia are very peculiar. All roads between two cities are one-way, and are set up in such a way that once you leave a city you can never return to it via the roadways again. Prove that there exists a city into which all roads enter and a city from which all roads exit.
  5. Stephen New

    Let \(S\) be a finite set of three or more points in the plane with the property that any three points in \(S\) can be covered by a triangle of area one. Show that the entire set \(S\) can be covered by a triangle of area four.
  6. Stephen New

    Find the smallest number of chips which can be placed in the squares of an \(n \times n\) grid in such a way that for each coordinate \((i,j)\) for which there is no chip in the \((i,j)\mathrm{th}\) square, the sum total number of chips in the \(i\mathrm{th}\) row together with the chips in the \(j\mathrm{th}\) column is at least equal to \(n\).
  7. Putnam and Beyond

    Consider a finite set of spherical planets in space, all of the same size. On the surface of each planet consider the region of all points not visible from any other planet. Prove that the sum of the areas of these regions over all the planets is equal to the surface area of a single planet.
  8. Putnam and Beyond

    Given finitely many squares whose areas add up to one, show that they can be arranged without overlaps inside a square of area two.
  9. Putnam and Beyond

    Given \(n \gt 3\) points in the plane, prove that three points form an angle less than or equal to \(\pi/n.\)
  10. Putnam 2012 A1

    Let \(d_1, d_2, \dotsc, d_{12}\) be real numbers in the open interval \((1,12)\). Show that there exist distinct indices \(i, j, k\) such that \(d_i, d_j, d_k\) are the side lengths of an acute triangle.