Arguments by Contradiction

You can prove that something is true by showing that not something being true would lead to a contradictory, absurd conclusion.
  1. Without appealing to technology, prove that there do not exist three consecutive natural numbers such that the cube of the largest is equal to the sum of the cubes of the other two.
  2. Twenty five boys and twenty five girls sit around a table. Prove that it is always possible to find a person sitting directly between two girls.
  3. Nick’s Mathematical Puzzles ☆☆☆

    Suppose that \(x\) is a positive rational number. Prove that \(x^x\) must be irrational unless \(x\) is an integer.
  4. Prove there isn’t a continuous function \(f\colon \mathbf{R} \to \mathbf{R}\) such that \(f\big(f(x)\big) = -x.\)
  5. Putnam and Beyond

    Show that no set of nine consecutive integers can be partitioned into two sets with the product of the elements of the first set equal to the product of the elements of the second set.
  6. German Math Olympiad (1985)

    Every point of three-dimensional space is colored red, green, or blue. Prove that one of the colors attains all distances. I.e. for one of the colors, for any positive real number you can find two points of that color that are that far apart.
  7. Romanian Math Olympiad (1986)

    Suppose that \(\mathcal{F} = \{E_1, \dotsc, E_s\}\) is a family of subsets of some universal set \(U\) that each have \(r\) elements. Show that if the intersection of any \(r+1\) (not necessarily distinct) sets in \(\mathcal{F}\) is nonempty then the intersection of all of the sets in \(\mathcal{F}\) is nonempty.
  8. Putnam and Beyond

    Prove that \(\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{5}\) is an irrational number.
  9. Putnam and Beyond

    Show that there does not exist a function \(f \colon \mathbf{Z} \to \{1, 2, 3\}\) satisfying \(f(x) \neq f(y)\) for all \(x,y \in \mathbf{Z}\) such that \(|x - y| \in \{2,3, 5\}\).
  10. Putnam and Beyond

    Show that there does not exist a strictly increasing function \(f \colon \mathbf{N} \to \mathbf{N} \) satisfying \(f(2) = 3\) and \(f(mn) = f(m) f(n)\) for all \(m,n \in \mathbf{N}\).
  11. Putnam and Beyond

    Let \(x \gt 1\) be an arbitrary real number and let \(n\) be the number of positive prime numbers less than or equal to \(x\). Select \(n+1\) positive integers such that none of them divides the product of all the others. Prove that there exists a number among the chosen \(n+1\) that is bigger than \(x\).