Remember the regression assignment from earlier in the term? Let’s revisit that now that we’ve built a library of various functions to use as models. Go look at the data you used for this original assignment and see if there is a function that would serve as a better model for your data than a linear function. At the very least, fit a high-degree polynomial to your data to see if it’s a good fit.
Once you fit the model to the data, create a deliverable just like the previous regression assignment, but this time be sure to include in your analysis your reason(s) for choosing this new type of function as your model.
You’ll likely have some time left in the class period after creating this deliverable, so I encourage you to use your time to go digging for other data sets relevant to your major to model using the techniques we’ve learned in this class, to or continue exploring the features of Microsoft Word and Excel.
For a sample of what I would submit for this assignment, see: