
Day 1


notes 1 (mathematical preiminaries)
notes 2 (intro to QM and probability)
notes 3 (normalization, operators, and expectation values)
notes 4 (stationary states, infinite square well, and general solutions)
notes 5 (harmonic oscilator - algebraic method)
notes 6 (free particle)
notes 7 (delta function)
notes 8 (step potentials)
notes 9 (Formalism and linear algebra 1)
notes 10 (Formalism and linear algebra 2)
notes 11 (Formalism - inner products and operators)
notes 12 (Formalism - discrete, and continuous eigenvalues, statistics)
notes 13 (Formalism - Completed)
notes 14 (3D QM)
notes 15 (Hydrogen Atom Part 1)
notes 16 (Hydrogen Atom Part 2 Angular Momentum)


HW1 (70 pts) Due Fri, Feb 8th: 1.1(6), 1.2(12),1.3(12),1.4(13), 1.9(22), 1.10(5)

1.2--- Use the pdf from example 1.1, also, the probability of finding the particle outside of one standard deviation from the mean is the same as 1 - the probability of finding it within one standard deviation from the mean,

1.3--- Be careful with your U substitution, U = x-a, this changes the form for expectation values, check your math before you resort to looking up the integral.

1.4--- Psi is not the pdf, Psi^2 is, you'll end up with A^2, not A. Set up the integral for part e then use an integrator to solve it, it is tedious.

1.9--- Don't forget to properly sandwich your operators, look up integrals as needed, the expectation value of p^2 took me 15-20 lines WITH using the canned formulas for gaussian integrals. Tricks will make me assume you used the solutions, work it out until you can put it in a form to use tables or formulas.

1.10--- Do this with Excel, print out your worksheet and staple it to your homework.

HW2 (105 pts) Due Fri, Feb 22nd: 1.12(13), 1.17(15), 1.18(10). 2.4(15), 2.5(15), 2.7(12), 2.8(5). 2.9(6), Extra Problem (14)

1.12--- What is X in terms of r and theta? Equate rho(x)dx=rho(theta)d(theta) and solve, take absolute values.

1.17--- Part c is subtle, we only have psi(x,0), we'd need to calculate the expectation value of psi(x,t) to use it to get the expectation value for momentum.

2.4--- Use tables for things reduced to x/x^2*cos(x)

2.5--- For part c, reduce the Psi^2 to terms with sines and cosines then use tables. For part d use Ehrenfest's Theorem (see problem 1.7)

2.7--- This is an important one, it shows you how to expand any initial configurations in terms of basis functions, make sure you concentrate on this one, it is fundamental to QM. For part b, write out the integral explicitly then use an integrator (explain which integrator used and show how you get the series expansion on -1). Write down the formula for how you would do part d, I don't expect you to sum the series.

2.8--- Write down Psi(x,0) = A x element [0,a/2] 0 else. This should get you started.

HW3 (102 pts) Due Fri, March 1st: 2.12(17), 2.13(18), 2.17(10), 2.18(4), 2.21(11), 2.22(35), 2.23(3), 2.26(4)

2.12--- Use the operator method to do this.

2.13--- Don't forget the psi_ns are for the harmonic oscillator, don't forget conjugation in part b, use the raising and lowering operator formalism to get the result but don't read it off from 2.12, ask if clarification is needed. In part c use the time dependent form for psi. Also, since you are using the time dependent form, be smart about calculating the expectation of p. In part d use psi(x,0).

2.17--- Be smart about calculating derivatives, you've already done the n-1 ones.

2.21--- Use an integrator for part b.

2.22--- Reduce the integrals to forms you can use tables for, this takes more work than you might think. Be careful to "Bundle Up" groups of variables. Finding psi(x,t) requires two integral looks at equations 2.100 and 2.109. For d, express your integrals in terms of w and use tables. for p^2, skip it, tedious, the answer is hbar^2(a). For e, put in w explicitly and see if sigma_xsigma_p holds with the uncertainty principle.

2.26--- Use equation 2.102.

HW4 (58 pts) Due Fri, March 15th: 2.33(18), 2.34(19), 2.38(15), 2.39(6) (2.33 is TIME CONSUMING)

2.33-- Set up the system of equations you would solve for all three cases. Write down the wave function in each region and the matching conditions to be solved. Use mathematica, maple, matlab, a paper and pencil, or whatever you like to solve them. Google around for matrix method solutions or "solution rectangular barrier". The best way to do this is with matrix algebra. This is super tedious, if you can't figure it out take the homework ding and look up the answers. Plot E/V vs the transmission coefficient for each of the three cases using whatever computer program you like Plot from E/V = .1 to 1.5 Comment on each case. example

2.34-- Parts a and b were solved in class

2.38-- psi(x,0) = psi_1=sqrt(2/a)sin(pi x/a) for infinite square well. Psi_n are now basis functions where normalization constant is sqrt(1/a) and sin(n pi x/a) becomes sin(n pi x/ (2a)), expand psi(x,0) in terms of the new basis functions and get new c_ns to calculate probailities. Essesentially, your psi(x,0) now needs to be expanded in terms of basis functions where a goes to 2a.Be careful, this is two integrals. One is at n=2, the rest are not.

2.39-- e^i(x+2pi) = e^ix. Write the classical revival time in terms of energy.

HW5 (47 pts) Due Wed, March 27th: 3.1(4), 3.2(6), 3.6(9), Extra Problems (skip any matrix inversion problems 28))

HW6 (71 pts) Due Wed, April 3rd: 3.9(2), 3.10(2), 3.11(9), 3.13(6), 3.17(6), 3.22(4), 3.27(3), 3.31(6), 3.37(8), 3.38(40)

This looks like an extraordinarily large homework set, it isn't, several have been done in class. Use an integrator or table for the harmonic oscillator problem. Recall how one determines the c_ns for 3.38. Concentrate on 3.38, this contains the "essence" of much of chapter 3.

HW7 Due April 24th 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.11, 4.13 a, b, 4.14, 4.15

HW8 Due May 1st 4.24, 4,25, 4.27 (a and b), 4.29, 4.32, 4.33 (a, b, and c)

4.19--- Use the equations for commutator algebra from problem 3.13, the canonical commutation relations, and some thought. You really only need to do [L_z,r] and [L_z,r^2].

4.22--- Let Y_l^l=e^(i l phi)F(theta).

4.24--- Write down the kinetic rotational energy of a system comprised of a massless rod joining two masses, express this in terms of angular momentum.

4.33--- The hamiltonian is time dependent, you must use the time dependent Schroedinger equation (4.162) to solve this. This will result in two time dependent equations to solve.

Exam Dates (TBD)

Exams will be 4-6 problems long with one of these being strictly qualitative, one being a curveball, and the rest similar to homework problems or class examples.

Exam 1 Will Cover Chapter 1 and through the harmonic oscillator portion of chapter 2:
Exam 1 Solutions

Exam 2 Will Cover Chapter 2, Linear Algebra, Chapter 3
Exam 2 Solutions

Exam 3 Chapter 4 and whatever else not yet tested:
Exam 3 Solutions

Final 8:00-9:50 Wednesday, May 15th

Old Exams

Exam 1 V1
Exam 1 V2
Exam 2 V1
Exam 2 V2
Exam 3 V1
Exam 3 V2


Dr. Jared Workman
Email Jared Workman

Class Location:

WS 366

Class Hours:

M W F 9-9:50

Office Location:

WS 230 C