

Monte Carlo Methods

Python Tutorials

These Tutorials are provided to you by my friend, Dr. Nick Featherstone. Any referencesto logging into remote systems are invalid, these were originally used as a course at the University of Colorado. I suggest you work through as much of these as you can.
session 1
session 2
session 3
session 4
session 5
session 6
session 7
session 8
session 9


Simple Derivative
Generic Derivative
Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Lagrange Point Calculator
Lorenz Attractor
Stupid RK4 integrator for 2 body orbit
Simple Poission Solver
Gauss-Seidel Plus Overrelaxation for Laplace's equation
Intro to random numbers
Simple decay Chain
Simple Verlet
Better Verlet and adaptive RK4
Random Walk
Monte Carlo integration simplest
Monte Carlo integration simple
Monte Carlo integration least simple
2d Monte Carlo and importance sampling


Final Exam Wednesday, December 11th, 8:00-9:50


Dr. Jared Workman
Email Jared Workman

Class Location:

WS 218

Class Hours:

T Th 11:00-12:15

Office Location:

WS 230 C