Trappers Lake, Colorado

Here's a short video of canoeing on Trappers Lake in Microsoft's wmv format.  I tried using YouTube but it came out jerky.  Don't know what happened.   Below are two stills of the north fork as it comes out of the lake.  The third image is from Google Earth.  It shows the elevation profile of the first 4 miles.  I believe this is accurate.  Notice that in the places where my sloppily drawn line comes out of the creek and up the bank the graph shows the elevation gain.  I did some checking of elevations at locations where signs are posted showing the elevations and Google was spot on. 

After the first four miles of descent it looks like it mellows out to 100 feet per mile for the next few miles.   Then it mellows slightly more until the confluence is reached.  I didn't include the Google Earth images for the sections below the first 4 miles.