Gunnison River

Section 4 - Delta to Escalante

This big old water wheel was used for irrigation. Notice the car mufflers used to catch and dump water


Initially the river runs through large stands of cotton wood trees. Fall can be a nice time to make this run. About five miles from the start there is camping available on river right.  Centennial commercial canoe trips have been seen using this location. The river then makes a transition into a canyon. No rapids on this section except for one drop that makes a set of waves. Don't miss the old water wheel located on river left side channel about ten miles from the start of the trip.

Put in:

Confluence Park in Delta: Enter shopping plaza entrance to KFC, McDonald's, etc., south of Hwy 50 bridge. Road goes into the park, turn right and proceed to the river where you will find parking and a boat ramp.

Take out:

About nine miles north of Delta on Hwy 50 exit west on Escalante Road at Escalante at Escalante interpretive sign. Drive about three miles to the river and find boat ramp on right before crossing the bridge.


11.5 miles

River Rating:

Class I/II (mostly class I)


Topo Map

Streamflow for Gunnison River at Delta

Streamflow of Uncompahgre River which flows into Gunnison River about a mile below the Gunnison gauge at Delta. 

Delta's Confluence Park Boat Ramp

Camping site in trees

First five miles typical scene

Last five miles typical scene

Only standing waves on this section.


Entrance to side channel to see big old water wheel.