From: Dave Allured <[email protected]>

To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

Date: 5/7/03 11:24PM

Subject: RMCC: Vehicle security at Whitewater on Gunnison River

Here is what we have done successfully for two years in a row about
vehicle security at Whitewater.

There is a motel at Whitewater, east side of Hwy 50, called the Lazy S
Arrow Motel.  It's run by some pleasant old folks.  It's about a mile
and a half walk from the BLM parking lot and river access.

We shuttle all our vehicles there.  They want "5 or 10 dollars per
vehicle per night, whatever you think is fair."  Then we shuttle one
vehicle to the BLM parking lot.  The sacrificial vehicle is chosen to be
unattractive, empty, and lacking in tempting accessories such as boat
racks and radios.  Some say that you should also leave it unlocked.  We
have not yet had a disturbance with this arrangement.

Alternatively, you could walk back to the motel on take-out day; catch a
ride if somoeone else is at BLM (it worked once for us); take a bicycle;
or have one boat paddle down to the verboten take-out at the Hwy 141
bridge for a shorter walk.  HTH.

BTW, a BLM ranger told me last year that security is not good at any of
the access points (Escalante, etc.).


--------- wrote:
> Hi Dave,
>         I've been exchanging some email lately w/---------.  He like me is
> reluctant to return to that wonderful trip with a camp at Dominguez Creek
> because of all the car vandalism at the takeout parking lot.  It's easy to
> understand his concern; the last time I took friends on that trip, kids came
> in and ripped off everything they could, including boat racks.
>         It has been rumored that you have found a solution for this problem,
> someone near the takeout who will rent a safe place to park cars.  Is this
> true?  Do you have any information or ideas?
>         Thanks for your news about recent trips. Please keep sending along
> your messages.
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