The following movies were made by projecting a super 8 film projector into a small "Goldbeam" box with a mirror and translucent screen. At the screen end of the box was an old analog 8mm video camera. That was ten years ago. The analog video camera has died long ago, but my new digital video camera can read analog 8 tapes so it was an easy matter to transfer the analog video through the digital camera to the computer via the firewire port. I used Windows Movie Maker to process the movies on the computer.
The first movies are of the McKenzie River Race near Eugene, Oregon, year is probably 1978. First two pictures are of Terry McCabe and Joe Sarro. Next two pictures are John Mooney and Jan Martin.
Click here to download the Mckenzie River video 12.5 MB Windows Media Player compatible
The next series of videos were taken of John Mooney in about 1981. On warm summer days we enjoyed cooling off by paddling our flatwater sprint kayaks through the waves on the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon.