Course Description

Statistical and thermal physics describe systems that contain large numbers of individual constituents. Typical examples are gases and solids, which contain large numbers of identical atoms or molecules. The goal of thermal physics is to describe these systems in terms of bulk macroscopic quantities, such as temperature and pressure. The goal of statistical physics is to relate the bulk description to microscopic descriptions of the system constituents. Averaging over microscopic properties such as kinetic energies or dipoles moments of individual molecules or atoms can yield bulk properties such as temperature or magnetization.

Statistical physics and thermodynamics have been developed to the point where a wide range for phenomena can be described using the same small set of general principles. These subjects form a cornerstone of current physics and are frequently used in condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics, chemistry and elsewhere.

Phys 362 will introduce you to the framework and techniques of statistical and thermal physics as well as illustrating its applications throughout the physical sciences.

Course Number: PHYS 362

Instructor: Prof. David Collins, Physics

Contact Information:

Class Times: TTh 11:00am - 12:15pm

Classroom: Wubben 366

First Class Meeting: Tuesday 20 January 2015

Prerequisites: PHYS 230, PHYS 231, MATH 260


H. Gould and J, Tobochnik, Statistical and Thermal Physics, Princeton (2010). Detailed supplementary information is available at the STP page.

Syllabus: Pdf Format


The following is subject to change.

  1. Microscopic and macroscopic systems, thermodynamic systems and states, thermodynamic equilibrium.
  2. First law of thermodynamics, energy, heat capacities, enthalpy.
  3. Thermodynamic processes, entropy, heat engines.
  4. Fundamental thermodynamic relation.
  5. Probability, microstates/macrostates, thermodynamic ensembles.
  6. Magnetic systems.
  7. Classical ideal gases, Bose and Fermi gases.
  8. Chemical potential.

Homework Assignments

There is an extensive supplementary web page for the text. This includes a large collection of simulations, some of which will be used for assignments throughout the semester. The best way to access all of these is via the launcher at the STP Package page. This contains a java program which you should download, save and run. If the website is unavailable, there is another copy of the launcher at alternative location at CMU.

Homework 1 Due: 22 Jan 2015 Pdf
Homework 2 Due: 27 Jan 2015 Pdf
Homework 3 Due: 29 Jan 2015 Pdf
Homework 4 Due: 3 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 5 Due: 5 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 6 Due: 10 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 7 Due: 12 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 8 Due: 17 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 9 Due: 19 Feb 2015 Pdf
Homework 10 Due: 3 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 11 Due: 5 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 12 Due: 10 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 13 Due: 12 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 14 Due: 17 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 15 Due: 19 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 16 Due: 31 March 2015 Pdf
Homework 17 Due: 2 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 18 Due: 7 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 19 Due: 16 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 20 Due: 21 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 21 Due: 23 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 22 Due: 28 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 23 Due: 30 April 2015 Pdf
Homework 24 Due: 5 May 2015 Pdf
Homework 25 Due: 7 May 2015 Pdf

Homework Solutions

Homework solutions are posted on the K drive. You can access these from any computer connected to the CMU network. The directory depends on your section number but can be found under K: -> PHYS362 -> 00X-YYYYY -> SHARE -> homework.


There will be two hour long exams during class on the following dates: Thursday 19 February 2015 and Thursday 9 April 2015. There will be a comprehensive final exam on Tuesday 12 May 2015.

Exams and solutions from previous semesters.

Spring 2014
2014 Class exam 1
2014 Class exam 1: Solutions
2014 Class exam 2
2014 Class exam 2: Solutions
2014 Final exam
2014 Final exam: Solutions

Exams and solutions from the current semester.

These will be entered after the each exam has been graded.

Spring 2015
2015 Class exam 1
2015 Class exam 1: Solutions
2015 Class exam 2
2015 Class exam 2: Solutions

Supplementary Reading

There are many additional texts which are potentially suitable for this course. The following is a selection.

  1. Thermodynamics
    1. D. V. Schroeder, Thermal Physics Addison-Wesley (2000).

      Accessible and written in conversational style. A greater focus on applications of thermodynamics to various physical situations, including everyday phenomena. Many interesting applications within the problems.

    2. K. Stowe, An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Cambridge (2007).

      Mixes the statistical and traditional thermodynamic approaches. Many problems and exercises.

    3. R. Baierlein, Thermal Physics Cambridge (1999).

    4. F. Mandl, Statistical Physics Wiley (1988).

      Perhaps the most accessible text for undergraduates that strives to lay out axioms and foundations of statistical physics. If the origins of the idea of free energy mystify you and you like some abstraction, then this is the place to look.

    5. H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics, Wiley (1985).

      Lays out postulates and axioms for thermodynamics and develops the subject from these. One of the more mathematically sophisticated texts for undergraduates.

    6. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics McGraw-Hill (1965).

      Long standing classic undergraduate text. Starts with statistical physics and develops thermodynamics from this.

    7. C. Kittel, Thermal Physics Wiley (1969).

      Another long standing classic undergraduate text.

    8. H. A. Buchdahl, The Concepts of Classical Thermodynamics Cambridge (1966).

      Want an axiomatic approach to thermodynamics? It exists. This is heavy in mathematics and light in applications but gives a great treatment of the conceptual and mathematical structure of thermodynamics.

Links and Animations

  1. References
    1. Physlink Reference information and data, including decimal system notation, physical constants, math constants, astro-physical constants, etc,....
    2. Eric Weinstein's World of Physics Encyclopedia of Physics maintained by Wolfram Research. Entries at a variety of technical levels.
    3. Science and Engineering Encyclopedia: Physics Encyclopedia of Physics with a somewhat cumbersome interface. Includes conversion calculators.
    4. Periodic Table of Elements WebElements site.
    5. NIST Databases Administered by the National Institute for Standards and Technology. The final word in physical data. Intended for professionals.
  2. Animations
    1. Math and Physics Simulations. A great collection of excellent simulations from Paul Falstad.
    2. Activ Physics Large collection provided by Addisson Wesley.
    3. PhET University of Colorado PhET simulations.
    4. Physclips From the University of New South Wales, Australia.
    5. LTU Applets Collection of simulations provided by Scott Schneider, Lawrence Technological University.
    6. PSU Schuylkill Animations Provided by Michael Gallis, Penn State University Schuylkill.
  3. Thermal Physics
    1. Water Phase Diagram From Wikipedia.
    2. Argon Phase Diagram From Britannica.
    3. Gas Properties PhET simulation from the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    4. Free Expansion of a Gas Animation from Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill.
    5. Simplified MRI PhET simulation from the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    6. Smashing Racquet Ball From North Carolina State University.
    7. Gas Thermometer From University of Iowa.
    8. Kinetic Theory From Oklahoma State University.
    9. Kinetic Theory From LON-CAPA.
    10. Kinetic Theory From the Ohio State University.
    11. Fire Syringe From University of Iowa.
    12. Thermodynamic Processes Activ Physics 8.6.