January 2013

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

22 January Introduction -- -- -- Quiz   Lecture 1
23 January Ch 20.1 - 20.3 Warm Up 1 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 2
25 January Ch 20.3 Example 20.4, Stop to Think 20.3 -- Ch 20 Questions: 2, 3, 7, Ch 20 Problems: 4, 8 (your answer should be some fraction of q), 9, 39, 40 Quiz   Lecture 3
28 January Ch 20.4, 20.7 Warm Up 2 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 4
29 January -- -- Ch 20 Questions: 8, 14, 19, Ch 20 Problems: 14, 19, 50 -- --
30 January Ch 20.4 - 20.6 Stop to Think 20.4, Example 20.7 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 5

February 2013

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

1 February Ch 21.1, 21.3 Stop to Think 21.1, Example 21.2 -- Ch 20 Questions: 13, 22, 29, Ch 20 Problems: 22, 28, 45, 51, 67 Quiz   Lecture 6
4 February Ch 21.1, 21.3 Warm Up 3 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 7
5 February -- -- Ch 21 Questions: 1, 4, Ch 21 Problems: 7, 60, 63 -- --
6 February Ch 21.2, 21.4 Example 21.4 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 8
8 February Ch 21.4 Example 21.7, Stop to Think 21.3 -- Ch 21 Questions: 5, 10, 20, Ch 21 Problems: 6, 9, 16, 71, 73 Quiz   Lecture 9
11 February Ch 21.5 - 21.7 Warm Up 4 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 10
12 February -- -- Ch 21 Questions: 12, 14, 23, Ch 21 Problems: 26, 49, 59 --
13 February Exam Review I -- -- -- Quiz   Review I
15 February Class Exam I -- -- -- --
18 February Ch 22.1 - 22.3 Warm Up 5 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 11
19 February -- -- Ch 22 Questions: 5, 6, Ch 22 Problems: 1, 11, 43, 48 (ans: 1.13E4) -- --
20 February Ch 22.4 - 22.5 Example 22.6, 22.11 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 12
22 February Ch 22.6, 23.1 - 23.3 Example 22.4, Stop to Think 22.5 -- Ch 22 Questions: 9, 12, 15, Ch 22 Problems: 16 (ans: 45C, 405J), 24, 42, 53, 67 Quiz   Lecture 13
25 February Ch 24.1 - 24.3 Warm Up 6 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 14
26 February -- -- Ch 22 Questions: 20, Ch 22 Problems: 40, 46, Ch 23 Questions: 7, Ch 23 Problems: 51 --
27 February Ch 24.4 Example 24.3, 24.4 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 15

March 2013

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

1 March Ch 24.5 Conceptual Example 24.7, Example 24.8 -- Ch 24 Questions: 9, 10, 13, Ch 24 Problems: 5, 6, 15, 53, 57 Quiz   Lecture 16
4 March Ch 24.5 - 24.6 Warm Up 7 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 17
5 March -- -- Ch 24 Questions: 16, 19, 24, 25 Ch 24 Problems: 21, 30, 50 --
6 March Ch 24.6 - 24.7 Example 24.11, Stop to Think 24.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 18
8 March Ch 24.7, 25.1 - 25.2 Example 25.1, Stop to Think 25.1 -- Ch 24 Questions: 23, 26, 38, Ch 24 Problems: 31, 33, 35, 38, 49 Quiz   Lecture 19
11 March Ch 25.3 - 25.4 Warm Up 8 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 20
12 March -- -- Ch 25 Questions: 3, 4, 5, 8, Ch 25 Problems: 2, 8, 11 -- --
13 March Ch 25.4 Example 25.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 21
15 March Ch 25.5 Stop to Think 25.3 -- Ch 25 Questions: 9, 12, 18, Ch 25 Problems: 12, 13, 14, 56, 60 (you will have to look up the resistivity of gold) Quiz   Lecture 22
18 March Ch 25.6 - 25.8 Warm Up 9 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 23
19 March Exam Review II -- -- -- Quiz   Review II
20 March Class Exam II -- -- --
22 March Ch 17.1 Stop to Think 17.1 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 24

April 2013

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

1 April Ch 17.2 Warm Up 10 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 25
2 April -- -- Ch 17 Questions: 2, 3, Ch 17 Problems: 3, 6, 7, Supplementary problems 1, 2 -- --
3 April Ch 17.2 Example 17.3, Stop to Think 17.3 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 26
5 April Ch 17.3 Example 17.4, Stop to Think 17.4 -- Ch 17 Questions: 4, 6, 7, Ch 17 Problems: 8, 10, 37, 39, 41 Quiz   Lecture 27
8 April Ch 17.4 - 17.6 Warm Up 11 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 28
9 April -- -- Ch 17 Questions: 9, 10 a) b), 22, Ch 17 Problems: 14, 29, 63, 71 -- --
10 April Ch 18.1 - 18.2 Example 18.1, Stop to Think 18.1 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 29
12 April Ch 18.3, 18.5 Example 18.3, Stop to Think 18.2 -- Ch 18 Questions: 5, 6, 8, Ch 18 Problems: 5, 7, 40, 43, 44 Quiz   Lecture 30
15 April Ch 18.5, 18.7 Warm Up 12 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 31
16 April -- -- Ch 18 Questions: 16, 18 Ch 18 Problems: 12, 19, 20, 49 -- --
17 April Ch 18.5, 18.7 Example 18.12, Stop to Think 18.5 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 32
19 April Ch 19.2 Example 19.3 -- Ch 18 Questions: 13, 21, Ch 18 Problems: 14, 21, 31, 52 a and c), 66 (in this problem you can make the vertical scale different from the horizontal scale. You can also check your results using the equations), 73 Quiz   Lecture 33
22 April Ch 19.3 Warm Up 13 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 34
23 April Exam Review III -- -- -- Quiz   Review III
24 April Class Exam III -- -- -- --
26 April Ch. 28.2 Example 28.2 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 35
29 April Ch 28.3 - 28.4 Warm Up 14 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 36
30 April -- -- Ch 28 Questions: 10, 14, 18 Ch 28 Problems: 16, 20, 22, 65 -- --

May 2013

Date Reading Suggested Examples Discussion Problems Homework Problems Lecture Notes

1 May Ch 28.4 - 28.6 Example 28.11, Stop to Think 28.5 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 37
3 May Ch 28.6, Ch 29.1 - 29.2 Example 28.13, Stop to Think 29.1 -- Ch 28 Questions: 24, 34, 35, Ch 28 Problems: 39, 53, 65, 70, 76 Quiz   Lecture 38
6 May Ch 29.3 - 29.5 Warm Up 15 (D2L) -- -- Quiz   Lecture 39
7 May Ch 29.6 - 29.7 Stop to Think 29.6 -- -- Quiz   Lecture 40
8 May -- -- Ch 29 Questions: 8, 19, 24, Ch 29 Problems: 10, 21, 55, 68 -- --
10 May Final Exam Review -- -- -- Quiz   Final Review