Course Description

The classical theory of electromagnetism is completely described by Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law. Maxwell’s equations specify how charge distributions produce electric and magnetic fields and the Lorentz force law describes the forces that these exert on charges.

Physics 311 focused on methods for determining fields for stationary charge and current distributions. However, many charge and current distributions are not of this type. Yet Maxwell’s equations are still valid here. Physics 312 will concentrate on applying Maxwell’s equations to such situations. This will include some of the greatest triumphs of 19th century physics: the existence and properties of electromagnetic waves and the production of electromagnetic waves by moving charges. Additionally Physics 312 will present methods for relating electromagnetic fields for different inertial observers and will connect this to special relativity. Various other topics from electromagnetism, that were omitted from Phys 311, will also be covered.

Course Number: PHYS 312

Instructor: Prof. David Collins, Physics

Contact Information:

Class Times: MWF 2:00pm - 2:50pm

Classroom: Wubben/Science 264

First Class Meeting: Wednesday 18 January 2012

Prerequisites: PHYS 311


D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall (1999).

First Day Handout: Pdf Format


The following is subject to change.

  1. Electric fields in matter, polarization, dielectrics.
  2. Magnetic fields in matter, magnetization.
  3. Maxwell’s equations, boundary conditions, conservation laws.
  4. Electromagnetic waves.
  5. Waveguides.
  6. Potential formulation of electromagnetism.
  7. Fields produced by a moving point charge.
  8. Electromagnetic radiation.
  9. Electromagnetism and relativity.

Homework Assignments

Homework 1 Due: 25 January 2012 Pdf
Homework 2 Due: 1 February 2012 Pdf
Homework 3 Due: 8 February 2012 Pdf
Homework 4 Due: 17 February 2012 Pdf
Homework 5 Due: 29 February 2012 Pdf
Homework 6 Due: 7 March 2012 Pdf
Homework 7 Due: 21 March 2012 Pdf
Homework 8 Due: 30 March 2012 Pdf
Homework 9 Due: 11 April 2012 Pdf
Homework 10 Due: 18 April 2012 Pdf
Homework 11 Due: 27 April 2012 Pdf
Homework 12 Due: 2 May 2012 Pdf

Homework Solutions

Homework solutions will be posted at H:\DOWNLOAD\dacollin\2012Spring\Phys312\homework.


There will be two hour long exams during class on the following dates: Monday 20 February and Monday 2 April 2012. There will be a comprehensive final exam on Monday 7 May 2012.

Exams from 2012.

Semester Exam
Spring 2012 Class exam 1 Pdf
Spring 2012 Exam 1: Solutions Pdf
Spring 2012 Class exam 2 Pdf
Spring 2012 Exam 2: Solutions Pdf

Supplementary Reading

There are many additional texts which are potentially suitable for this course. The following is a selection.

  1. General Texts
    1. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, Lectures on Physics, Vol II, Addison-Wesley (1965).

      Pitched somewhere between a sophomore and junior level text, this is still a classic. Feynman was reknowned for his unique approaches at explaining physics.

    2. P. Lorrain, D. R. Corson and F. Lorrain, Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena, Freeman (2000).

      Another standard undergraduate level text.

    3. R. K. Wangsness, Electromagnetic Fields, Wiley (1986).

      Similar to other undergraduate electromagnetism texts but includes a chapter on waveguides.

    4. L. Eyges, The Classical Electromagnetic Field, Dover (1972).

      More of an introductory graduate level text but sections are still accessible to an undergraduate audience. This is generally an excellent text.

    5. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley (1998).

      The default graduate level text, probably more as a result of its scope than its explanatory qualities. Encyclopedic but frequently confusing coverage of everything to do with electromagnetism. Tortuous problems.

Links and Animations

  1. Animations
    1. Math and Physics Simulations. A great collection of excellent simulations from Paul Falstad.
    2. Video Anmiations. Video animations of electromagnetic phenomena. The parameters here cannot be controlled but the graphics are good. Provided by Penn State Schuylkill.
  2. Electromagnetic Waves
    1. Vertically polarized EM waves. Provided by Penn State Schuylkill.
    2. Diagonally polarized EM waves. Provided by Penn State Schuylkill.
    3. Circularly polarized EM waves. Provided by Penn State Schuylkill.