Course Description

Phys 230 covers thermodynamics and statistical physics at an introductory level, classical vibrations and waves at an intermediate level and the special theory of relativity.

Thermodynamics and statistical physics describes scenarios in which there are vast number of identical physical systems. By averaging over the microscopic physical properties of individual physical systems, one can arrive at notions of temperature, heat, and entropy which describe collectively to state of the ensemble of physical systems. These basic notions are widely used throughout physics and appear in such diverse areas as bulk magnetism, gas properties, chemistry and atmospheric physics.

Classical waves and vibrations describe physical systems in which there is a repeated basic pattern of motion. These are prevalent in all branches of physics and include springs, simple pendula, electronic circuits, waves on strings, sound waves, light and atoms.

Special relativity describes how different observers can meaningfully make and compare observations and is one of the cornerstones of physics since the early 20th century. The theory of relativity is crucial for a modern understanding of time, space, energy and cosmology.

Course Number: PHYS 230

Instructor: Prof. David Collins, Physics

Contact Information:

Class Times: MWF 2:00am - 2:50am

Classroom: Wubben 366

First Class Meeting: Monday 20 August 2012

Prerequisites: PHYS 132, 132L. MATH 253


R. D. Knight, Physics, Vol 2 (Ch 16-19), Pearson/Addison-Wesley(2008).

G. C. King, Vibrations and Waves, Wiley (2009).

T. M. Helliwell, Special Relativity, University Science (2010).

Syllabus: Pdf Format


The following is subject to change.

  1. Thermodynamics: Fluids.
  2. Thermodynamics: Temperature, heat, first law of thermodynamics.
  3. Thermodynamics: Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
  4. Thermodynamics: Kinetic theory of gases.
  5. Vibrations and Waves: Periodic motion, free damped and forced simple oscillations. Resonance.
  6. Vibrations and Waves: Classical wave equation. Normal modes. Energy in waves.
  7. Vibrations and Waves: Interference and diffraction.
  8. Relativity: Observers, frames of reference. Principle of relativity.
  9. Relativity: Simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformations. Spacetime.
  10. Relativity: Energy and momentum in special relativity.

Homework Assignments

Homework 1 Due: 27 Aug 2012 Pdf
Homework 2 Due: 3 Sept 2012 Pdf
Homework 3 Due: 10 Sept 2012 Pdf
Homework 4 Due: 14 Sept 2012 Pdf
Homework 5 Due: 24 Sept 2012 Pdf
Homework 6 Due: 1 October 2012 Pdf
Homework 7 Due: 8 October 2012 Pdf
Homework 8 Due: 19 October 2012 Pdf
Homework 9 Due: 29 October 2012 Pdf
Homework 10 Due: 5 November 2012 Pdf
Homework 11 Due: 12 November 2012 Pdf
Homework 12 Due: 19 November 2012 Pdf
Homework 13 Due: 28 November 2012 Pdf
Homework 14 Due: 5 December 2012 Pdf

Homework Solutions

Homework solutions will be posted at H:\DOWNLOAD\dacollin\2012Fall\Phys230\homework.


There will be two hour long exams during class on the following dates: Monday 17 September 2012 and Monday 22 October 2012. There will be a comprehensive final exam on Monday 10 December 2012.

Exams from previous semesters.

Semester Exam
Fall 2010 Class exam 1 Pdf
Fall 2010 Exam 1: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2010 Class exam 2 Pdf
Fall 2010 Exam 2: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2010 Final exam Pdf
Fall 2010 Final exam: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2011 Class exam 1 Pdf
Fall 2011 Exam 1: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2011 Class exam 2 Pdf
Fall 2011 Exam 2: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2011 Final exam Pdf
Fall 2011 Final exam: Solutions Pdf

Exams from Fall 2012.

Semester Exam
Fall 2012 Class exam 1 Pdf
Fall 2012 Exam 1: Solutions Pdf
Fall 2012 Class exam 2 Pdf
Fall 2012 Exam 2: Solutions Pdf

Supplementary Reading

There are many additional texts which are potentially suitable for this course. The following is a selection.

  1. Thermodynamics
    1. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, Lectures on Physics, Vols I II, Addison-Wesley (1965).

      Pitched somewhere between a sophomore and junior level text, this is still a classic. Feynman was renowned for his unique approaches at explaining physics.

  2. Complex Numbers
    1. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, Lectures on Physics, Vol I, Addison-Wesley (1965). Chapter 22.

      Does the whole idea of the square root of a negative number bother you? It should bother you exactly as much as the idea of a negative number, or the idea of a rational number. Chapter 22 of Vol I of the Feynman lectures gives an excellent and readable coverage of the ideas behind various number systems.

    2. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th ed., Wiley (1993).

      One of the standard mathematics texts for scientists. In general, beyond the level of this course but the introduction to complex numbers (Ch 12. pages 706-718) is accessible at this level.

    3. G. Polya and G. Latta, Complex Variables, Wiley (1974).

      A fully fledged complex analysis text for scientists and engineers but with a more accessible introduction to complex variables than most competitors. Chapter 1, pages 1-17 is accessible at this level.

  3. Classical Vibrations and Waves
    1. P. A. Tipler, Physics for Engineers and Scientists, Vol 1, 5th ed., Freeman (2004).

      Standard introductory physics text. Chapters 14 to 16 cover vibrations and waves at the freshman level.

    2. F. S. Crawford, Jr, Waves, McGraw-Hill (1968).

      Volume III of the Berkeley physics course. End of chapter problems include "at-home" experiments and applications to then current physics.

    3. R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, Lectures on Physics, Vol I, Addison-Wesley (1965).

      Excellent and classic lecture series on basic physics by one of the twentieth century's most eminent physicists. Feynman's lectures frequently take a non-standard approach when developing well established aspects of physics but they almost always offer insights far beyond those of standard texts. Chapters 21 to 24 deal with vibrations and oscillations. Chapters 47 to 51 describe waves.

    4. I. G. Main, Vibrations and Waves in Physics, Cambridge University Press (1978).

      More detailed sophomore/upper division treatment than French's text.

    5. H. J. Pain, The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, Wiley (2005).

      Extensive and detailed coverage of waves and vibrations at the undergraduate level.

    6. W. F. Smith, Waves and Oscillations, Oxford (2010).

      Recent undergraduate level text on waves and vibrations. Many examples of applications of waves and vibrations in current physics research. Some discussion of waves in quantum physics.

  4. Special Relativity
    1. K. Cummings, P. W. Laws, E. F. Redish, and P. J. Cooney, Understanding Physics, Part 4, Wiley (2004).

      Standard introductory physics text. Chapters 38 provides an introduction to special relativity.

    2. J. Freund, Special Relativity for Beginners, World Scientific (2008).

      Introduces the Lorentz transformation early. Contains a section on relativity and electromagnetism.

    3. T. Takeuchi, An Illustrated Guide to Relativity, Cambridge (2010).

      Many spacetime diagrams.

Links and Animations

  1. Animations
    1. Math and Physics Simulations. A great collection of excellent simulations from Paul Falstad.
    2. Activ Physics Large collection provided by Addisson Wesley.
    3. PhET University of Colorado PhET simulations.
    4. Physclips From the University of New South Wales, Australia.
    5. LTU Applets Collection of simulations provided by Scott Schneider, Lawrence Technological University.
    6. PSU Schuylkill Animations Provided by Michael Gallis, Penn State University Schuylkill.
  2. Fluids
    1. Pascal's Vases From the University of Iowa.
    2. States of Matter From PhET, University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    3. Floating in Mercury From Theodore Gray. You're probably not going to be able to try this.
    4. Fluid Flow From PhET, University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
  3. Thermal Physics
    1. Water Phase Diagram From Wikipedia.
    2. Argon Phase Diagram From Britannica.
    3. Gas Properties PhET simulation from the University of Colorado.
    4. Free Expansion of a Gas Animation from Pennsylvania State University, Schuylkill.
    5. Smashing Racquet Ball From North Carolina State University.
    6. Gas Thermometer From University of Iowa.
    7. Kinetic Theory From Oklahoma State University.
    8. Kinetic Theory From LON-CAPA.
    9. Kinetic Theory From the Ohio State University.
    10. Fire Syringe From University of Iowa.
    11. Thermodynamic Processes Activ Physics 8.6.
  4. Simple Harmonic Motion
    1. Masses and Springs From PhET, the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    2. Spring and mass From Walter Fendt.
    3. Spring and Mass From Michigan State University. Clear and simple to use.
    4. Resonance From PhET, the University of Colorado. Alternative link here.
    5. Simple Harmonic Motion and Circular Motion Davidson College and North Carolina A and T University.
    6. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse From
  5. Waves
    1. Waves on a String PhET, University of Colorado.
    2. Superposition of Pulses From NTNU
    3. Rectangular Waves From Zona Land
    4. Sinusoidal Waves From Zona Land
    5. LIGO Official LIGO site
    6. Diffraction of Ocean Waves Satellite image of two small islands off Luderitz Bay, Namibia. (From Google Maps)
    7. Aircraft landing Doppler effect: aircraft landing at Princess Juliana Airport
    8. Aircraft landing Yet another landing at Princess Juliana Airport
    9. Aircraft landing One more landing at Princess Juliana Airport
    10. Aircraft landing One last landing at Princess Juliana Airport
    11. Extrasolar Planets From California and Carnegie Planet Search.
    12. Standing Waves From Pascal Renault.
    13. Standing Waves From Paul Falstad.
  6. Relativity
    1. Relativity of Simultaneity Physlet from Davidson College.
    2. Relativity of Simultaneity Physlet from Santa Barbara City College.
    3. Length Contraction From U of Evansville.
    4. Light Clocks From U of Virginia.
    5. There have been many experimental tests of relativity, including some of its more unusual predictions.

    6. Experimental Basis for Special Relativity From John Baez, University of California Riverside. An excellent compendium of experimental tests of special relativity.
    7. Time dilation effects have been measured in various circumstances. Direct measurements involve atomic clocks, which measure the passage of time sufficiently precisely to be able to detect relativistic effects. Some of these effects have been noticed in clocks which are moving relative to each other. More recently relativistic effects associated with the motion of atoms in such clocks have been observed.

    8. NIST F-1 Atomic clock One of the world's most precise clocks.
    9. NIST F-1 Atomic clock One of the world's most precise clocks.
    10. "Around-the-World Atomic Clocks: Predicted Relativistic Time Gains", J. C. Hafele and Richard E. Keating, Science 177, 4044 (1972). The Hafele-Keating experiment involves Cesium clocks flow around the world in aircraft. There are time dilation effects associated with both the motion as well as the small gravitational field change. The experiment was reenacted in 1985, with more precise results which are described here.
    11. "Optical Clocks and Relativity", C. W. Chou, D. B. Hume, T. Rosenband and D. J. Wineland, Science 329, 1630 (2010). This article describes an experiment in which the ions in an atomic clock are in motion. Time dilation effects associated with this motion are observed.
    12. Time dilation and length contraction effects have been observed with cosmic ray particles. Some of the links below provide an intoruction to cosmic ray particles.

    13. Pion and Muon Production From TRIUMF.
    14. Muon Decay From TRIUMF.
    15. Cosmic ray shower From AIRES at Univ. of Chicago. Several animated simulations.
    16. Particle Annihilation From Particle Zoo.
    17. "Variation of the Rate of Decay of Mesotrons with Momentum", Bruno Rossi* and David B. Hall, Phys. Rev. 59, 223 (1943). Possibly the first experiment involving decaying mesons and time dilation.
    18. "Measurement of the Relativistic Time Dilation Using μ-Mesons ", David H. Frisch and James H. Smith, Am. J. Phys 31, 342 (1963). An experiment involving decaying mesons traveling down through the Earth's atmosphere. The apparent decay rates are much longer than those observed for identical particles at rest in the laboratory.