Course Description

Phys 252 is an intermediate level laboratory course. In this course you will conduct experiments in classical and modern physics with a level of detail and sophistication that far exceeds that of typical freshman level labs.

There are two objectives in this component of the course:

  1. equip you with the basic skills in experimental physics, including setting up apparatus, lab record keeping, data analysis, error analysis, and report writing and
  2. introduce you to a variety of physical phenomena in a lab context.

Course Number: PHYS 252

Instructor: Prof. David Collins, Physics

Contact Information:

Classroom: Wubben Science 218

Prerequisites: PHYS 231 (co-requisite for this semester).

First Day Handout: Pdf Format

Course Structure

Phys 252 meets twice per week. The class will be divided into small groups with each working on one experiment. Groups will cycle through the available experiments; there will be seven or eight of these during the semester.


  1. Sample Journal Articles

      In this course, formal lab reports will be written in the style of journal articles. While the formatting details of these vary from one journal to another the general structures are quite similar. A good source of journal articles, whose content is frequently accessible to undergraduate audiences, is the American Journal of Physics. A few examples of articles that you may could consult to get an idea of a journal article structure are listed below.

    1. The wave-particle duality of light: A demonstration experiment, T. L. Dimitrova and A. Weis, Am. J. Phys. 76, 133-136, (2008). This is a "demonstration" type of experiment in that it illustrates a phenomenon qualitatively. Thus some of the typical data analysis is absent.
    2. Measurements of the speed of light in water using Foucault’s technique, J. Brody, L. Griffin, and P.Segre, Am. J. Phys. 78, 650, (2010). This is a variant on an experiment that we perform in this course.
    3. Bessel’s improved Kater pendulum in the teaching lab, D. Candela, K. M. Martini, R. V. Krotkov, and K. H. Langley , Am. J. Phys. 69, 714, (2001). Another variant on an experiment that is performed in this course. This contains a significant and involved theory section.
    4. An accurate formula for the period of a simple pendulum oscillating beyond the small angle regime, F. M. S. Lima and P. Arun , Am. J. Phys. 74, 892, (2006). A more accurate version of a simple pendulum period experiment. This contains a significant theory section.
    5. Determination of the half-life of 212Po, K. Ruddick , Am. J. Phys. 74, 658, (1995). Mostly experimental article.