Physics 230 - Intermediate Dynamics
Fall 2024
Professor: Dr. Chad A. Middleton

Classroom Houston Hall 234
Class Hours 10-10:50 MON, WED, & FRI
Office Wubben Hall 228A
Office Hours 9-10:00 MON, WED, & FRI
10-11:00 TUE & THU
Office Phone 970-248-1173
Email [email protected]

Required Texts:


·      Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, Vol. 2 (Chs. 16-19) by Randall Knight, 3/E, Pearson (ISBN: 978-0-321-75318-2)

·      Vibrations and Waves by George King, Wiley (ISBN: 978-0-470-01189-8)

·      Special Relativity by T.M. Helliwell, University Science Books (ISBN: 978-1-891389-61-0)



Course Description:


This course covers the topics of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, Einstein’s theory of special relativity, and vibrations and waves.  The first topic covered, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, will follow the treatment presented in Knight’s text and have a feel of “Introductory Physics Part III”.  We will then move on to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which will shake your very notion of physical reality and change your preconceived ideas about space and time.  At this point, the course will evolve from an introductory physics course to one of more sophistication.  Although mathematically elementary, involving mostly algebra, you will find special relativity to be conceptually challenging (to say the least!).  We will then spend the last third of the course studying waves and vibrations where we will sophisticate the mathematics substantially.



From the catalog…

“Intermediate treatment of the dynamics of physical systems not covered in Fundamental Mechanics sequence.  Includes fluid dynamics, classical waves and vibrations, thermodynamics, and relativistic kinematics and dynamics.


Prerequisites: PHYS 132, 132L, and MATH 253 (may be taken concurrently).”


                          Source: 2023-2024 CMU Catalog



Course Expectations:


An undergraduate student should expect to spend on this course a minimum of two hours outside the classroom for every hour in the classroom. The outside hours may vary depending on the number of credit hours or type of course. More details are available from the faculty member or department office and in CMU’s Curriculum Policies and Procedures Manual.


Intermediate dynamics is inherently mathematical by its very nature.  A true understanding of intermediate dynamics will be realized only after you, the student, actually do intermediate dynamics (i.e., homework and exam problems).  You should treat every homework problem as a test of your understanding of the subject material.  The homework sets will be quite long and will require many hours of work.  It will not be unusual for you to spend six hours or more on a homework set.  Hard work will be demanded from you in this course!  



Course Requirements:






Office Hours:


I will hold office hours either in-person or virtually via Microsoft Teams this semester. During these office hours we can discuss your questions via a ‘chat’ or, if you prefer, through an audio or video call, either one-on-one or as a small group.  If you’d prefer an audio or video call, simply send me a message through Microsoft Teams requesting this and I will contact you ASAP. Any questions related to homework or the course material should be sent to me via Microsoft Teams, rather than email, during the designated office hours.




Your grade for this course is based on the following activities, weighted as shown



Homework Assignments


 5 Exams

 Cumulative Final Exam





Grading Scale:


All graded work will be assigned a numerical score.  You may estimate the grade by computing a percentage score and comparing it with the table below:


Percentage Score

Letter Grade

Percentage Score

Letter Grade







Below 50









Regular class attendance is strongly recommended.  You are responsible for all material discussed in class.   It is in your best interest to always attend class and arrive on time – this class begins promptly at 10:00 am!


Accommodation for Students with Physical and Learning Disabilities:


In coordination with Educational Access Services, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities.  Students should contact Educational Access Services at 970-248-1856 or Houston Hall 108 as soon as possible.  Please visit for additional information.


Student Conduct and Academic Integrity:


All incidents of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating, will be handled according to CMU policy.  For CMU policy on academic integrity, please refer to 2023-2024 CMU Catalog.


Notice: the use of Chegg or an equivalent resource is strictly forbidden!  Obtaining solutions to homework and/or exam problems constitutes a violation of academic dishonesty and will be dealt with accordingly.







Course Calendar:

This is a TENTATIVE course calendar ONLY!!   The actual course can   (and most likely will) deviate from the calendar listed below.




Due Date

Mon, Aug 19

Syllabus discussion/Knight: Ch. 15 – Fluids & Elasticity


Wed, Aug 21

Knight: Ch. 15 – Fluids & Elasticity


Fri, Aug 23

Knight: Ch. 15 – Fluids & Elasticity


Mon, Aug 26

Knight: Ch. 16 – A Macroscopic Description of Matter

HW Set 1

Wed, Aug 28

Knight: Ch. 16 – A Macroscopic Description of Matter


Fri, Aug 30

Knight: Ch. 16 – A Macroscopic Description of Matter

HW Set 2

Mon, Sep 2

Knight: Ch. 17 – Work, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics


Wed, Sep 4

Knight: Ch. 17 – Work, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics

HW Set 3

Fri, Sep 6

Knight: Ch. 17 – Work, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics


Mon, Sep 9

EXAM 1 (Knight: Chapters 15 - 16)  


Wed, Sep 11

Knight: Ch. 17 – Work, Heat, and the 1st Law of Thermodynamics


Fri, Sep 13

Knight: Ch. 18 – The Micro/Macro Connection

HW Set 4

Mon, Sep 16

Knight: Ch. 18 – The Micro/Macro Connection


Wed, Sep 18

Knight: Ch. 18 – The Micro/Macro Connection


Fri, Sep 20

Helliwell: Ch. 1 – Inertial Frames and Classical Mechanics

HW Set 5

Mon, Sep 23

Helliwell: Ch. 2 – Light and the Ether


Wed, Sep 25

EXAM 2 (Knight: Chapters 17 - 18) 


Fri, Sep 27

Helliwell: Ch. 3 – Einstein’s Postulates


Mon, Sep 30

Helliwell: Ch. 4 – Time Dilation

HW Set 6

Wed, Oct 2

Helliwell: Ch. 5 – Lengths


Fri, Oct 4

Helliwell: Ch. 6 – Simultaneity


Mon, Oct 7

Helliwell: Ch. 6 – Simultaneity

HW Set 7

Wed, Oct 9

Helliwell: Ch. 7 – Paradoxes


Fri, Oct 11

Fall Break – No Classes


Mon, Oct 14

Helliwell: Ch. 8 – The Lorentz Transformation


Wed, Oct 16

Helliwell: Ch. 8 – The Lorentz Transformation/ Ch. 9 – Spacetime

HW Set 8

Fri, Oct 18

Exam 3 (Helliwell: Chapters 1 - 7)


Mon, Oct 21

Helliwell: Ch. 9 – Spacetime


Wed, Oct 23

Helliwell: Ch. 9 – Spacetime         

HW Set 9

Fri, Oct 25

Helliwell: Ch. 10 – Momentum


Mon, Oct 28

Helliwell: Ch. 10 – Momentum/Ch. 11 - Energy

HW Set 10

Wed, Oct 30

Helliwell: Ch. 11 - Energy


Fri, Nov 1

King: Ch. 1 – Simple Harmonic Motion


Mon, Nov 4

King: Ch. 1 – Simple Harmonic Motion

HW Set 11

Wed, Nov 6

Exam 4 (Helliwell: Chapters 8 - 11)


Fri, Nov 8

King: Ch. 1 – Simple Harmonic Motion


Mon, Nov 11

King: Ch. 2 – The Damped Harmonic Oscillator


Wed, Nov 13

King: Ch. 2 – The Damped Harmonic Oscillator

HW Set 12

Fri, Nov 15

King: Ch. 2 – The Damped Harmonic Oscillator


Mon, Nov 18

King: Ch. 3 – Forced Oscillations


Wed, Nov 20

King: Ch. 3 – Forced Oscillations

HW Set 13

Fri, Nov 22

King: Ch. 3 – Forced Oscillations


Mon, Nov 25

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Wed, Nov 27

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Fri, Nov 29

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Mon, Dec 2

King: Ch. 5 – Travelling Waves


Wed, Dec 4

King: Ch. 5 – Travelling Waves

HW Set 14

Fri, Dec 6

Exam 5 (King: Chapters 1 – 3, 5)     


**Final Exam:  Monday, December 9 at 10 - 11:50 am**




Course-Level Student Learning Objectives:


A student who has taken this course will demonstrate the ability to:


1.     Translate between verbal and mathematical descriptions of physical situations. Apply mathematical reasoning, using algebra, trigonometry and calculus, to analyze these situations.

2.    Describe physical systems via differential equations and solve these.

3.    Use complex number algebra to analyze physical situations.

4.    Describe and use fundamental concepts from fluid dynamics such as density, pressure, Archimedes principle, Pascal’s principle, the equation of continuity and Bernoulli’s equation.

5.    Describe and use the zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics, particularly for ideal gasses.

6.    Describe macroscopic properties of thermodynamic systems and use kinetic theory to relate them to microscopic properties.

7.     Relate thermodynamic properties to measurable quantities such as specific heats and use these in calorimetry problems.

8.    State Einstein’s postulates for special relativity.

9.    Relate observations in different frames of reference using time dilation, length contraction, Lorentz transformations, and spacetime diagrams.

10. Describe and use relativistic energy and momentum.

11.  Describe and use fundamental concepts associated with oscillations and waves such as period, frequency, wavelength and amplitude.

12.  Obtain and solve differential equations of motion for oscillatory systems and use these to extract periods.

13.  Describe and solve the classical wave equation and apply these to traveling and standing waves.

14.  Describe superposition and interference effects for classical waves.


Program-Level Student Learning Objectives:

This course satisfies the following Physics-degree student learning objectives:


1.     Show fluency with the major fields of physics (classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics and quantum theory).

2.    Use mathematical representations to analyze physical scenarios. This requires translating back and forth between physical and mathematical problems and using appropriate mathematics to aid in the analysis of the scenario.