Physics 132-002 - Electromagnetism and Optics
Fall 2024
Professor: Dr. Chad A. Middleton

Classroom Houston Hall 107
Class Hours 11-11:50 MTWF
Office Wubben Hall 228A
Office Hours MWF 9-10, TR 10-11
Office Phone 970-248-1173
Email [email protected]
Web Page

Course Description

The objective of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation in the physics of electricity, circuits, magnetism, and optics, for students of physics, \chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. Through this physics endeavor, you will obtain an increased conceptual understanding of physical phenomena and gain sharpened quantitative analytical skills, which will last with you long after you leave this course.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
--Albert Einstein

From the catalog...

"Calculus-based introduction to classical electromagnetism and optics. Detailed coverage of electrostatics, electric circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, and wave optics. The mathematics of calculus and vectors is used throughout.

Prerequisite: PHYS 131/131L, and MATH 152 or MATH 136 (either may be taken concurrently)”
Source: 2023-2024 CMU Catalog

Course Requirements

Assignments Examinations

Required Text

Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, Vols. 3 & 4 by Randall D. Knight; 3rd edition
ISBN: 9780321753175 & 9780321753168


Your grade for this course is based on the following activities, weighted as shown

Homework Assignments  20%
4 Exams60%
Cumulative Final Exam20%

Grading Scale:

All graded work will be assigned a numerical score. You may estimate your letter grade by computing a percentage score and comparing it with the table below:

Accommodation for Students with Physical and Learning Disabilities

In coordination with Educational Access Services, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. Students should contact Educational Access Services at 970-248-1856 or Houston Hall 108 as soon as possible. Please visit for additional information.

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

All incidents of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and cheating, will be handled according to CMU policy. For CMU policy on academic integrity, please refer to 2023-2024 CMU Catalog.

Tutorial Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC is a FREE academic service for all Colorado Mesa University students. Tutors are available on a walk-in basis for many courses. Do you have a quick question? Do you need homework clarification or feedback on a paper? Are you reviewing for a test? Help is available at the TLC!

At the main campus, come to Houston Hall 113 to meet with one of our friendly peer tutors. We are open on Monday through Thursday from 8am-6pm, and Fridays from 8am-5pm. We are also open Sundays from 1pm-6pm! Tutoring at branch campuses and distance tutoring is also available. Check out the website for schedules and locations at or call 248-1392 with any questions.

Factors for Success in this Course:

  1. Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected and strongly recommended. You are responsible for all material discussed in class. It is in your best interest to always attend class and arrive on time, this class begins promptly at 11:00 am!
  2. Reading Preparation: Topics discussed in class will, for the most part, closely follow the book. A reading of the text will help reinforce the physical concepts presented to you in class. The book also contains several example problems that may prove useful when doing the homework.
  3. Homework: A true understanding of physics is much more than merely memorizing equations. You must be able to do physics i.e., you must be able to solve physical problems. You should think of every problem as a test of your understanding of the material at hand. Solving the homework problems will help to prepare you for the exams and should not be taken lightly. You are encouraged to discuss homework problems with your classmates. Working problems with your peers can be an excellent learning method, however, anything turned in must be your own work.
  4. Tutoring: I am in my office and available to you everyday (see above schedule for times) to answer questions and assist you on any difficulties you may be having with your homework. In addition, CMU offers free tutoring. If you are having difficulty with course material, please see the Tutorial Learning Center.

Classroom Policies and Etiquette:

  1. Cell phones are NOT to be used during class!
  2. Be attentive and ready to participate in class.
  3. Avoid classroom distractions. This includes leaving class during the course time.

Course Calendar

This is a TENTATIVE course calendar ONLY! The actual course can (and most likely will) deviate from the calendar listed below!!




Mon, Aug 19

Syllabus/Ch. 25: Electric Charges and Forces


Tue, Aug 20

Ch. 25: Electric Charges and Forces


Wed, Aug 21

Ch. 25: Electric Charges and Forces


Fri, Aug 23

Ch. 25: Electric Charges and Forces


Mon, Aug 26

Ch. 26: The Electric Field


Tue, Aug 27

Ch. 26: The Electric Field


Wed, Aug 28

Ch. 26: The Electric Field


Fri, Aug 30

Ch. 26: The Electric Field


Mon, Sep 2

Ch. 27: Gauss’ Law


Tue, Sep 3

Ch. 28: The Electric Potential


Wed, Sep 4

Ch. 28: The Electric Potential


Fri, Sep 6

Ch. 28: The Electric Potential


Mon, Sep 9

Ch. 28: The Electric Potential


Tue, Sep 10

Ch. 28: The Electric Potential


Wed, Sep 11

Exam 1 Review


Fri, Sep 13

Exam 1 (Chapters 25-28)


Mon, Sep 16

Ch. 29: Potential and Field


Tue, Sep 17

Ch. 29: Potential and Field


Wed, Sep 18

Ch. 29: Potential and Field


Fri, Sep 20

Ch. 29: Potential and Field


Mon, Sep 23

Ch. 29: Potential and Field /Ch. 30: Current and Resistance


Tue, Sep 24

Ch. 30: Current and Resistance


Wed, Sep 25

Ch. 30: Current and Resistance


Fri, Sep 27

Ch. 30: Current and Resistance


Mon, Sep 30

Ch. 30: Current and Resistance/ Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits


Tue, Oct 1

Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits


Wed, Oct 2

Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits


Fri, Oct 4

Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits


Mon, Oct 7

Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits


Tue, Oct 8

Ch. 31: Fundamentals of Circuits/Exam 2 Review


Wed, Oct 9

Exam 2 (Chapters 29-31)


Fri, Oct 11

Fall Break – No Classes


Mon, Oct 14

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field


Tue, Oct 15

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field


Wed, Oct 16

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field

32.5, 32.7

Fri, Oct 18

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field


Mon, Oct 21

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field


Tue, Oct 22

Ch. 32: The Magnetic Field


Wed, Oct 23

Ch. 33: Electromagnetic Induction


Fri, Oct 25

Ch. 33: Electromagnetic Induction


Mon, Oct 28

Ch. 33: Electromagnetic Induction


Tue, Oct 29

Ch. 33: Electromagnetic Induction


Wed, Oct 30

Ch. 34: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves


Fri, Nov 1

Ch. 34: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves


Mon, Nov 4

Exam 3 Review


Tue, Nov 5

Exam 3 (Chapters 32-34)


Wed, Nov 6

Ch. 20: Traveling Waves    


Fri, Nov 8

Ch. 22: Wave Optics


Mon, Nov 11

Ch. 22: Wave Optics


Tue, Nov 12

Ch. 22: Wave Optics


Wed, Nov 13

Ch. 22: Wave Optics


Fri, Nov 15

Ch. 23: Ray Optics


Mon, Nov 18

Ch. 23: Ray Optics


Tue, Nov 19

Ch. 23: Ray Optics


Wed, Nov 20

Ch. 23: Ray Optics


Fri, Nov 22

Ch. 23: Ray Optics


Mon, Nov 25

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Tue, Nov 26

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Wed, Nov 27

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Fri, Nov 29

Thanksgiving Break – No Classes


Mon, Dec 2

Exam 4 Review


Tue, Dec 3

Exam 4 (Chapters 20, 22-33)


Wed, Dec 4

Final Exam Review


Fri, Dec 6

Final Exam Review



**Final Exam:  Wednesday, December 11 at 10 - 11:50 am**



General Education Objectives:

This course is part of CMU's general education curriculum. Course content is designed to meet the following objectives of CMU's general education program:


1.      Understand the structure and discipline of mathematical thought and its use in problem-solving

2.      Have knowledge of the natural world and an understanding of scientific methods


Course Learning Objectives:

A student who has taken this course will demonstrate the ability to:


1.    Translate between verbal and mathematical descriptions of physical situations.  Apply mathematical reasoning, using algebra, trigonometry and calculus, to analyze these situations.

2.   Articulate the arguments, verbal and mathematical, used to analyze physical situations.

3.   Represent physical processes graphically and describe given graphical representations in physical terms.

4.   Use calculus to describe and analyze physical situations.

5.    Use the mathematics of vectors, vector algebra, products of vectors and vector components to analyze physical situations.

6.   Distinguish between and relate electric charge, forces, fields, potentials and currents.

7.   Distinguish between and relate magnetic forces and fields.

8.   Describe and use basic concepts associated with waves and the superposition of waves.

9.   Determine and use electric fields, electric potentials, electric forces, electrostatic energy, magnetic fields, and magnetic forces in various physical situations.

10.   Use the geometric picture of light to describe the properties of and propagation of light in various physical situations.

11.   Use the wave picture of light to describe the properties of and propagation of light in various physical situations, including interference and diffraction phenomena.


Program-Level Student Learning Objectives:

This course satisfies the following Physics-degree student learning objectives:


1.    Show fluency with the major fields of physics (classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics and quantum theory).

2.   Use mathematical representations to analyze physical scenarios. This requires translating back and forth between physical and mathematical problems and using appropriate mathematics to aid in the analysis of the scenario.